
MAXKO Hosting

New member
I am not sure is this a right section to post a suggestion but didn't find better section :)

I suggest making a block new reply on clicking a button POST REPLY, not after you write looooooooooooong reply and click SUBMIT than it popup warning THREAD IS OLD...
I am not sure is this a right section to post a suggestion but didn't find better section :)

I suggest making a block new reply on clicking a button POST REPLY, not after you write looooooooooooong reply and click SUBMIT than it popup warning THREAD IS OLD...

The admins cant do things like this as these are core features within then script
Moved this to the appropriate section.

As for your suggestion, we are currently in the process of taking the forum to the new software altogether. We'll see how the posting flow works there and make appropriate adjustments as we go. But it shouldn't be an issue because what you are talking about is a special add-on which isn't going to be present in new software from the start, as far as my current knowledge goes.
Guys maybe im missing something but when i log on every few days i really struggle to find threads that im involved in. This sucks as i dont mark them notification or follow this thread ( bad habit ) . Point a fellow in the right direction ?
I don't have the notification setting set on my end either, however if you log in and click "new replies" it should have a checkmark for all threads you're participating in that have new replies.

Second option would be to click Profile in the menu at the top, then on the left side click the "List Subscriptions" and it should have each of the threads that you've subscribed/participated in.

I didn't know you could block the subscription part of things - I just disabled the notifications part. If you disabled the subscription, I'd recommend enabling that for this area.
Guys maybe im missing something but when i log on every few days i really struggle to find threads that im involved in. This sucks as i dont mark them notification or follow this thread ( bad habit ) . Point a fellow in the right direction ?

It is the nature of vBulletin software that doesn't make it very intuitive to follow discussions you've posted in. Yes, as bigredseo mentioned, you can either see thread marking when checking for "New Posts" at the top of the page, or use the subscribe feature. However, it takes a user to set that. On top of that, we have unfortunately had some bugs with subscription/notification settings before, so they might not currently be the most reliable of things (a couple of users mentioned to me that notifications aren't being received on their end). Let's hope the new software will fix all of this.