Suggesting a new domain type


New member
Who is it that decides what kind of domains names are around like com, tk, us, ws, net etc. Me and some friends are now working to get an eo domain for the esperanto community. But how can we fight for it when we don't even know who is in charge.
.tv has been out for ages (Actually belongs to Tuvulu, but is rented to the .tv corporation (owned by Verisign) -

If you want a new TLD you will have to approach - good luck indeed.... practically nay chance i'd say without really good backing (& Especially financial backing). &

It might be an idea to approach one of the companies that runs an existing TLD, although probably an idea to stay away from Netsol and Verisign.
As well as that, if you are really serious, i'd say it would be well worth reading up on how the EU is getting .eu - some valuable experience to be learnt from there i'd say.