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Do you think they are all hype, or are some really worth it? I see many now advertised that look like pure bait and switch. Is this always the ploy places are using, or are there really good specials out there w/o all the mumbo jumbo?
I think some are worth it, and some are hype. I have always tended to decide which service, software, or provider to use based on how well the particular tool fits my needs (including overall costs). Then, if there's a coupon or discount of some sort, I'll take advantage of that. Sometimes, a coupon or special might help me choose between two similar offerings, but only if the offerings are otherwise identical or very, very close.

Merchants (both on- and off-line) have always used specials and discounts as customer enticement. There will always be good ones and bad ones. The consumer has to make smart decisions. (I think that there are some merchants who count on that, and try and come up with the flashiest/best-sounding text for a special that's otherwise kind of average...but, again, that's advertising for you.)

There are many merchants who use specials and don't try for the Vegas effect (ie, blind people with the glitz). Again...the onus is on the consumer to choose wisely.
Like with anything there are specials that are really just smoke and mirrors and there are some good deals out there. Important things is to do your homework before you buy. Some hyped offers are the same as any regular offer. If you look into it you will see that this special really isn't special. Always research and compare. Just as important is to get what you need based on what you need and not buy into something just because of an offer that really won't serve you anyway.
Well we run specials on a regular basis and we always seem to have a good turnout from them. We do though run specials that DOES give a customer a discount off our regular packages. We never post a special and word to make someone think they are getting a discount when they really are not. I just don't see the logic behind companies that do that. Why deceive the customer. :uhh:
I wasnt aware it was pure illegal it seems so many places get away with stuff like this. I just figured it was something on the "to make a law" list. :) I really don't get it either, it wastes time for the client but overall its good for the company. And the only time its bad for them is when people catch on and the reputation goes phooey.
It's deceptive advertising, which is illegal...if someone raises the flag and says, "This is deceptive and this is why." Anyone else remember the toothpaste ads (brand name omitted) where they'd dip a piece of chalk in some green substance, break the chalk in two to show how far the green substance had penetrated? That was supposed to be indicative of how their tooth-protection whatever-it-was penetrated into teeth. That was challenged under US advertising law because while it might have been similar to what occurred with their product, it didn't occur that much, and didn't occur in all instances.

It's the same with unlimited phone talk time, or unlimited bandwidth (and that's why so many "unlimited" providers have all the fine print: it's unlimited, but there are other ways they can stop people from putting a huge burden on system resources. But the word "unlimited" really reels people in. So they use the term, and either because no one's challenged properly or because of legal technicalities, they aren't banned from or penalized for using that terminology.
Agreed with what has been said here, as some of what is offered out there under various tactics is illegal. I know in many instances it has come up about the special that always ends tomorrow, for example.

I think specials are a good thing and, as a typical bargain hunter, I like to catch the right product at a good price. However, I think too many people pick up on these specials because they are simply the best deal.

On the flip side of the coin, I think hosts (or anyone for that matter) can devalue their service/product if they offer too many specials. In the end, most specials are hardly lucrative, but if calculated correctly they can be great publicity tools and can really help word of mouth advertising. I think too many fly-by-nighters just offer one special after another until they have 50-100 clients but don't have a dime to continue hosting them with. I do think the industry suffers because of this to a limited degree. All of these unlimited offers are part of that.
Anytime I hear unlimited anything I cringe and then I just think its unlimited flack they are selling off to their clients. It drives me nuts that so many use these terms then poof unhappy clients that switch and then the new company gets the old companies flack from the clients that are still unhappy but need a new company. Its like the never ending circle of nasty.
I like the idea of knowing why a special is running. Example - one company I know did a special for freebie hosting for a 6 month plan just b/c they felt to bring up a new server and were bored, not really caring but wanted to give something back for new sign ups. That I can deal with, now a company going under for crappy customer service and running a special - makes me run the other way.