SpamAssassin status On/Off with outgoing scanning enabled.


New member
Hi All,

I am planning on enabling the following features:

outgoing_spam_scan (Scan outgoing messages for spam and reject based on the Apache SpamAssassin™ internal spam_score setting)

outgoing_spam_scan_over_int (Scan outgoing messages for spam and reject based on defined Apache SpamAssassin™ score)

I have some questions around it that I was hoping you geniuses cold assist me with.

  1. What real benefit does one setting or the other setting have over its counterpart?
  2. Can they both be enabled at the same time? Should they be? If not, which one should I enable?
  3. Does SpamAssassin have to be enabled by default on the clients account for incoming mails in order for it to scan their outgoing messages as well?

Thanks in advance

You can't enable both as far as I remember, I usually go with rejecting based on SpamAssassin rules, scanning outgoing is good to catch spammers or sites that might have been compromised, if you check the logs for those alerts.

I turn on Spam Assassin for all accounts (customers may not even know about the option) this will do in/out.

Hope that helps.