SolusVM secure or insecure

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What's more to say than what Mike said? It would not be so popular if it wasn't secure. Have you heard otherwise?

Security wise, it is good. It can be made more secure if needed.. Provisions can be made on it.

However, there are no frequent updates in it or version update available in it for long time, might be it will be back with a boom..
SolusVM had a full audit back in 2013:

So I'd say they are secure. But it has been 3 years since then.

Its pretty secure the only thing I don't like is it always using the same default admin password and username, it can always be changed though but eh that's about it everything else is fine. I've always been more overly fond of proxmox though to be brutally honest.
Nice that you talk about proxmox too is it free licensed?,thanks for sharing your points of view of solus no one is talking bad thing of it tough
SolusVM is great, but ProxMox is better because it is free. SolusVM is also maintained regularly so I would trust it to handle my data.
Solus is being updated all of the time, so I'm not sure what all the slow update stuff is about. We've been running it for years and even have a VPS Reseller program for out close friends, never had an issue security wise.
Now secure because of this software is owned by death raw "OnApp".

Security will be good but I don't think that OnApp will improve this product. They will only release security related release or minor updates.
Onapp, solusvm are great , In onapp you will get much more functions and good for higher level hosting company . Solusvm is a better and easy configured option for medium and small scale companies
What things do you have to say about SolusVM in terms of security?

We have been using solusvm since years now and never found any bug or any security issue yet. So i can confidently say that solusvm provides world class service and support. There are some other alternatives as well for solusvm but non of them make it up over solusvm. Openvz virtualization is very awesome in solusvm but there is some limitations in KVM virtualization. For best KVM virtualization i would recommend Virtualizor (Softaculous).
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