Should I use Softaculous auto installer?

It works great, I am old school and still like to install most programs by hand but it is an excellent solution for someone who likes ease of use.
We use Softaculous here. No one has had any issues at all.

I don't see why anyone wouldn't use Softaculous. It's only a few dollars a month, and we're saving our customers hours of installation/removal/configuration time.
If you are planning on integrating a script installer, Softaculous is the best choice in my opinion. The scripts are almost updated as soon as a new update is available and script installation are done almost perfectly, without any errors.

Of course, you can also make your customers aware to use an offsite script installer, called AEFER, made by the folks at Softaculous!
Softaculous is a great Auto Installer having 175 great scripts and they are adding more softwares, so it would be beneficial to use.
Softaculous is better than Fantastico because Softaculous has more applications than Fantastico. Softaculous has around 176 Auto-Installer scripts and the number will increase in future. Whereas Fantastico has 50-60 Auto-Installer scripts which is comparatively less when compared to Softaculous.
Softaculous is a FREE Auto Installer, which means you can save nearly $2/month/server if you use paid Auto Installers in addition Softaculous has Softaculous has DEMOS, and a geat selection of scripts to select from.
Softaculous is awesome.. We actually prefer it over fantastico now. Many more scripts, software updates more often.. High recommended.
Yes Use Softaculious auto installer,

It has more scripts and easy to use for the clients prospective.

I will be adding fantastico because my clients as asking for it.
It is actually not that bad, I am starting to become quite fond of it over a few of the more corporate identities.
We offer Softaculous & Installatron and are happy with both!
Softaculous has more scriptions, but I like instrallatrons ability to install old versions and upgrade them. (It makes it easier to migration customers who currently run old versions, just a database dump and import to do, before running an upgrade).
We use all three, softalicious, Installitron, and fantastico, and softalicious is by far the best for ease of use, number of scripts available, and updates.
Should I use Sotraculous auto installer?


I recommend you to go with it

RvSiteBuilder/Fantastico/Softaculous. As people have shown their confidence on the same and you can see the goodwill on the web also on different forum web sites.