Should I lower my Prices?


8$/M for 250TB disk space!

I almost want to fork over the 8 bucks to see how terrible the service is. =)

8$/M for 250TB disk space!

I almost want to fork over the 8 bucks to see how terrible the service is. =)

i like quizzing some of these so called hosts and its amazing on how many have no clue what DNS or Dedicated IPs are

OPPS another site for shameless hosts as they are using a nulled WHMCS "This domain is not authorized to be using WHMCS."
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i would not lower you prices. also if you have no clients whats the testimonials, if these are default with the site template then anyone that has seen this template will know this, also i spotted a spelling mistake in one of them. also whats the point of the facebook and twitter icons when they go nowhere