Should GoDaddy Advertise at the Super Bowl?

I liked the ad so there you go, I'm part of their target market. Or at least they think I am. My domains are with Namecheap. :D

Go daddy go daddy Go! :D

Personally I'm not godaddies biggest fan, they have alot of questionable tactics that have really kept me as far away from them as possible. Although I do think it will be interesting to see the commercial they come up with ;)
I think it's good for them to advertise - I think it's great. I have 14 domains with GoDaddy, renewing at all times of the year - however I think that they would've gotten more negative press than positive from that ad. At least, that's my opinion.
I certainly think purchasing 2 spots during the superbowl could have been a smart move. However, just as I assumed would happen earlier in this thread, and as I keep saying.....the ad is just isn't level with the other ads that will play.

All of us will know who it is, and be talking about it for a while. Generally speaking, their target audience already knows who they are. Others, I guarantee, will forget that commercial very soon after the game is over, or as soon as a more creative ad runs.
Maybe not the ad, but the Godaddy jingle/slogan might stick in some people's minds. I know one person who can't get it out of his head. :D
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I think the ad could have been better, but they didn't really hve all that much to lose. Godaddy has been churning profits and this is definitely not a 'make or break' for them. I have nearly 30 domains with them and so far I've been very been pleased :). Didn't care too much for the girl.. but then I didn't watch the superbowl either.. so its all good! :D

This was the biggest thing to happen to Godaddy in their history. aka, the greatest move any employee of their company has ever made.

Godaddy must be absolutely rejoicing that the full ad got canned (One would hope it was planned that way). I watch CNN all day whilst I am working - just this monday, they spent 25 minutes talking about it on and off. They had it on their website ( as a leading story, and they have since talked about it every day.

By getting the ad rejected, they just got themselves more airtime than they could buy even if they sold their company 100 times over.

CNN applauded the ad as the "perfect superbowl ad for the post-Janet era". I agree, immensely.

Keep then in mind that when CNN talks about something so much, so do pretty much every other network.

If the path that the ad would take, was pre-planned, I applaud Godaddy on pure marketing genius.

They were originally supposed to have 2 spots, but after reading the paper this morning, I learned that after seeing the first, the NFL decided to give FOX a call and pulled the second spot. The NFL is taking things like this very seriously now because they suffered a major blow to their reputation.
If you view the full 2 minute version of the ad it's hilarious - I don't see why the NFL and Fox wanted the second ad pulled at the last minute, but - like Simon said...
By getting the ad rejected, they just got themselves more airtime than they could buy even if they sold their company 100 times over.
I had the feeling that would be the case, but since I don't live in the US, I have no touch with the news there.

Very smart move. That's the way to go! Manipulate the media! Give them news (or put the bread on their table) and you'll get crumbs to feed your family for generations! :D
Found out just a bit ago that a buddy of mine - his wife landed a job at GoDaddy doing their online sales and marketing. She handles their Yahoo department, so if you need to buy a domain from GoDaddy, Yahoo search for GoDaddy then click the link for their site - she doesn't get a comission but it does help her job security :)
While publicity is publicity, I sure wouldn't want to be known as the company that had probably one of the most senseless commercials during the superbowl.

The publicity it's bringing them is fair, but it comes right down to putting the focus on a badly produced, and badly plotted commercial.

I certainly applaud Bob, for bringing more attention to GoDaddy. He's a smart and stand up guy definately.

I just generally tend to focus on the development and design portion of things, because that's what today's generation is all about...visual stimulation, and I feel the commercial was bad in quality, and lacked creativity.
It was a bit better if you view the full 2 minute "hearing" they had on their website - they made a large reference to last year's superbowl mishap.

I just don't think we'll be able to see the quality commercials we use to see - I didn't really laugh this year at any of them. A few "chuckles" here and there, but no laughs. :-/