This was the biggest thing to happen to Godaddy in their history. aka, the greatest move any employee of their company has ever made.
Godaddy must be absolutely rejoicing that the full ad got canned (One would hope it was planned that way). I watch CNN all day whilst I am working - just this monday, they spent 25 minutes talking about it on and off. They had it on their website ( as a leading story, and they have since talked about it every day.
By getting the ad rejected, they just got themselves more airtime than they could buy even if they sold their company 100 times over.
CNN applauded the ad as the "perfect superbowl ad for the post-Janet era". I agree, immensely.
Keep then in mind that when CNN talks about something so much, so do pretty much every other network.
If the path that the ad would take, was pre-planned, I applaud Godaddy on pure marketing genius.