I feel that having servers in different places provides a more stable environment for your hosting company. As far as going with a shared account its more than just disk space you have to find out if your website will run sufficiently on it. Recently I tried a shared account with a "wll known" script for domain scanning and it ran considerably slow on it so I moved it to a dedicated server.hostivo said:Hello!
I would say that if you do not need a lot of disk space a shared account will work. If you need to give out shared accounts then a reseller is best for you. Or if you want total control a dedicated/VPS is for you. But if you want a server with no worries about having control then a managed dedicated server should do the job.
I think that if you have servers in different places it’s a good idea. I say this because if one datacenter goes out you will not have all of your marbles in one bunch.