Shared Hosting/Reseller Hosting


For all those who sell shared and reseller hosting accounts do you have them on the same server or do you keep the shared and reseller clients on completely separate servers?

I'm pretty sure that small hosts will have both on the same server. Bigger ones, will likely prefer to keep them separated (easier to do the math of how many you need to put per server, standardize the hosting environment for each purpose etc.).
Well, I don't know about others. But We use different Data Centers servers for shared & Reseller Host. Even VPS and Dedicated Servers are installed at different Data Centers [We think].

That bcoz, We have to maintain our Hosting speed and servers Load. We are very careful about our customers.
It is really up to you, you can host them on same machine as fine as you can do it on separate machines. Just don't abuse:)
Most of the time it really doesn't matter if the resellers are splashed with the shared users. However, that can certainly vary depending upon the load of the server(s) and if you are giving the resellers a little better experience. I suppose if you don't overload your server, this wouldn't be a problem either way.
We do them on the same server, but we're really finicky about watching our population and juggling when needed.
We keep them on different servers. We have several servers we use for reseller accounts, and others for shared hosting. Our servers we keep the resellers on are very limited in terms on how many accounts we put on.
Mixing is fine IMHO if you have only one/few servers, so long as you can keep on top of amdinistering to them, but once you start building up server count, its definitely worthwhile to separate different types of client accounts to ease management.
If don't overload the server, there is no need to keep them on the separate servers as reseller hosting account is nothing but a bunch of shared hosting accounts owned by reseller. :)
However we keep them on different servers. ;)
From my experiences, the established companies do separate their shared and reseller clients. The reseller servers usually contain a generic hostname to white label the service.
reseller hosting is best as compared to shared.Because in reseller you can handle various things of your site, means most of controls of your web in your hand.
I think resellers are fine as long as u dont give them too much power (unlimited).

Exactly. You can offer unlimited shared hosting packages because you can control usage that a user makes. But if you sell reseller packages with unlimited space, your reseller will sell unlimited space too and you can't go behind his users and the actions they make.

There aren't really unlimited things in this world. But what about if you understand unlimited as an way to offer an user use more resources they usually would can use in other providers at less cost?
Many providers say if a web site grow won't can be hosted in a unlimited hosting.

That's true and untrue, at the same time. If a web site grows and use high resources, that web site won't can be hosted in a provider that offers shared hosting plans with 1 MB - 50 MB - 500 MB or in a provider that offers unlimited shared hosting plans.

Think about that. Nobody is trying to say what option is better. Unlimited hosting isn't nothing bad.

That's quite simple. Overselling isn't bad or good. If it is on good hands, everybody can win. If it is on bad hands, it can be compared with a limited hosting provider that doesn't have knowledge to offer support to their clients.
We host shared and reseller packages on the same servers without any problems. As long as you can efficiently monitor servers and keep them running smoothly, you will not run into any issues
We host shared and reseller packages on the same servers without any problems. As long as you can efficiently monitor servers and keep them running smoothly, you will not run into any issues

I don't think it is fully the responsibility of the client to manage the servers. It should be the host who keeps things running smoothly. They are the ones paying you; remember that!
I would recommend keeping these clients on separate servers unless you allow a certain amount of shared / reseller accounts per server.
I don't think it is fully the responsibility of the client to manage the servers. It should be the host who keeps things running smoothly. They are the ones paying you; remember that!

Unless you pay for managed servers, it is entirely the client's responsibility to keep the server running smoothly :smash:
From my experiences, the established companies do separate their shared and reseller clients. The reseller servers usually contain a generic hostname to white label the service.

That's one of the reasons why you need to put your reseller accounts on a diferent server.