Seeking Programming Talent


New member
Greetings to all,

SingularCell, a modern software development company geared towards businesses and individuals is looking for a young, mature and skilled PHP / MySQL Programming mind to breathe time and ideas into our business.

Some of our requirements are listed below, as well as how your benefits and recuperations will be arranged and discussed.


- Good Understanding of the fundamentals of Web Software
- Good Knowledge and Practice of XHTML, CSS, PHP & SQL
- Between the age of 16 and 20
- UK or US Resident (communication is key)
- Mature and Motivated


- Percentage of Sales Revenue
- Credit on Products
- Access to Final Products

Time is an issue. Since we’re currently formulating our business module we are in need of the recruited party to be available as much as possible for the first week, and available flexibly thereafter.

Please direct all inquiries to:

Thank you all in advance for reading, and inquiring
Anthony, while I know I am involved with avidInteractive, and software development in that aspect, we cater to the hosting genre.

I am extremely interested in joining the team.

You already know my work, and what I can do.

So if you're interested please let me know.

Everything of course will be kept seperate, and I'd be more than happy to sign ND, and NC docs, as well as any agreements you may have.
I am good friends with Adam, so I know you guys aren't losing out when it comes to this guy.

I'm going to contact Adam now and see if he needs anyone else to jump on board.
I take back my endorsement on this guy, he's one of the biggest racists I've ever met and I wish I realized it before. I would not suggest working with Adam.
Trust me, this is a side I haven't seen from him either. Completely new, the boy has flipped his lid.

Mark, PM sent.
I'm sorry if after speaking with Adam, I completely understand his views.

Illegal immigration is a problem in the US as well. I don't hate the people, but instead their actions.

If you want something better for your life, then by all means go for it, but do it legally.

Illegal immigrants cost the country they immigrate to, millions if not billions of dollars per year. They have no SSN, which means they cannot work legally, thus cannot pay taxes like the people who are living in the country legally. Worse, more recently, illegal aliens(immigrants) have caused destruction and devastation in the US, and London, as well as many other countries.

It actually wouldn't surprise me if more and more people felt the same way.

Now that's not to say that legal immigrants can't cause the same destruction and devastation, but I think aside from terrorism, the primary focus is the fact that illegal immigrants are basically freeloaders.

Keep in mind that I'm not singling out any culture or nationality that immigrates to another country. Simply said, if you immigrate to another country illegally, no matter if you're Iraqi, Asian, English,'s wrong, illegal, and the citizens of the country you immigrate to, should be angry. They have laws to follow and taxes to pay, while you, the immigrant get away scott free.

In the US, it takes the term "Land of the FREE" to a whole new level.

I also want to point out that not all illegal immigrants are bad people. Many are simply looking for a better life, and illegal immigration has made every country what it is today. Hell the US is made up primarily of illegal immigrants from all different walks of life, and from all different cultures. It started with the pilgrims, when they came and stole land from the Native American Indians. It was also apparent when many Polish, italian, etc came to American looking for a better life, jobs, and the "American Dream". Many of which are the reason many of us are here today, and born in America, Canada, etc.

The difference is, those people came here to get jobs, live a better life, etc...not live for free, and take advantage of the resources our country offered, without giving back.

I think this is the point Adam has made, after speaking to him. If I'm a racist for sharing those views, then I'm disappointed to say...I'll just need to be labeled as such.

We are the citizens of our respective countries, and it is our duty, and loyalty as such to protect our countries. We live the lives we live because we work hard and give back. Why shouldn't we be angry when people can come to our countries illegally, and get it all free?
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I was about to post a reply regarding Mark's post, but I think it is for the best if we all leave this thread on its original course. This is an ad thread after all.
I'm not sure about others, but I would certainly like to hear your view Dan. I respect your opinions and views, and it would be a shame to leave it out, whether it's off topic or not. I think Anthony would agree.
It went WAY beyond standard frustration over illegal immigrants. I have that frustration as well, but he was referring to mass murder. I find that a bit over the top. Never the less, i'll let this post resume with it's original topic. :)