When you select SCSI make sure that it is 15k RAM instead of the more common 10k RPM. especially recommend SCSI with higher RPM for better preformace.
SCSI is dead, buy SAS for super high performance. Expect 4x the price of SATA.

SAS is preferable for databases since writes are performed to the disk in a safer manner than SATA (cache on the drive is smarter and reports written only if it can be safely written with a power loss).

That said, SATA with a 3ware raid controller with an installed battery backup is probably just as reliable in the real world.

In enterprise environments, SAS with battery backups on the controllers is what gets used today. But thats major $$$.

For a 'forum' you just want high performance, losing one post every 100 years won't make a difference. So just use SATA raid 5 with a 3ware controller. Read performance is excellent on Raid 5. Writing is slower but a forum does mostly reads.
I would go for good quality sata with better speeds as i can get more speed for lesser price . and also set up RAID levels for a lower price .