Sales guy - do you help him after he/she helps you?


Not sure if this is the right category for it, but here it goes.

Do you guys help out a sales person after they have helped you with all your questions? When I go to a site and have questions I look for a ticket area for sales or live chat. I try and ask as many questions as I can so I know the product I am looking at is for me. But, whe your done and your ready to order do you ask your sales guy if there is a way to help him like adding his name to 'Optional Note' or something? Some sales staff I have encoutered tell me not to worry and have a nice day, some work on commission and will glady give you the right information so you can help them out.

Do any of you feel the same way as me and like to help out the person who sat there and answered every question you had?
Absolutely. Even if they get no monetary compensation from the sale, someone will notice at their company. What goes over real well is if you write a letter of commendation to the owner about that rep. In most companies I've been in - when someone received a letter of commendation from a client, it got circulated around the entire business so everyone saw it.
Yes. A letter of appreciation would be the best. Many good firms count those appreciations a staff gets, to be added to their annual appraisal report.

I always have kudos to SLales team (Softlayer Sales team), those guys do great jobs in converting a visitor to a customer. I once recommended a client to SL, and he was excited when he got a great offer via LiveChat. I like tactics SL sales in the conversion as well.

I see the excitement in my team members when they convert a visitor to customer for a client or upsell an addon. They write it as an achievement in their shift report.

But I now realize, I never wrote a letter of appreciation for someone who gave me a great offer. Thanks romes for reminding me :) Next time, I will!!
Yep, no problem. Some sales staff work on a low salary and becuase of that mainly work off commission. This helps them pay the bills, some do not need commissions and work off of a great salary. A commission for those people is just a bonus and the majority will tell you it is ok and don't require any thanks. But, then again becuase of the great salary they do not recieve commission unless they sell a Dedi or VPS or something of high value.

Anyways, giving thanks to someone who helps you makes the world a better place :)
Once before a long time ago mind, I worked directly in sales in one of the uk’s electrical store’s back as a student, as a sales person and I have found being on both sides of the equation that offering the correct information and allowing the client to decide is the best goal.

An example being, most sales people quickly ascertain and are trained to pickup if you intend to buy now, and this is when you will get their full attention, however if you don’t intend to buy now they often will start to lose interest. This is partly those on commission or more so now more where sales staff have to hit a statistic (performance) often weekly.

As they will move to those who do intend to buy now. More to the point, from experience talking to the customer regardless, getting to know them and discussing the product and anything related, news, hardware, gadgets, bargains etc - meaning that they are highly likely to come back to you in future for possibly both a product and advise, a couple came back to my over the course of 2 years for a laptop, desktop, tv and a number of other devices... just shows how not being blinkered to selling something helps.
This is a good question. I use to sell cell phones in a retail environment. We were on commission and I always provided my customers with my card. I never told them I was on commission and when asked I would always tell them not wo worry about it because the most important thing was their needs not my pay check.

I always knew as a sales person that by taking care of my customers that my boss would notice it and the customer would notice it and appreciate it. I also knew by taking care of my customers they would come back and they would refer other sell phone shoppers. I did take care of my customers and I was number one in sales in each store I was at over the course of the three years. I stayed at the top of the region too. Us non sales, sales people, realize something that hardcare pushy sales people don't. That is, simply take care of your customers and they will take care of you. I never cared whether the client was buying today, tomorrow, or never.

From a sales persons perspective the thing that tickled me the most was not the complements it was the person telling my boss that they didn't want to work with him they would come back when I got in. :) He would even tell them that I would get credit for the sale and they say no. When a customer comes back and ask for you by name and tells your boss know. I knew I was doing a great job and my boss knew I was an asset.

I always let the sales person directly that I appreciate their time and help. Also, I try to place it in the order comments or let someone else know. All at the same time, if I buy your product and you were an ass I'll be just as quick to tell someone that too. :)
The only way that I'd help the other person is if they were friendly and didn't answer my questions in a rude tone. If they had a rude tone or treated the conversation as "Alright, what is the problem, <gives you the answer>, so it works now? Good. Bye." Then I wouldn't help them out. But if they turn around and try and sell me something I'd just say no.
I absolutely believe in rewarding good service. If I get good service like you describe, whether in hosting or any other area, I do see if there is a way to give them credit for the sale. I've also written letters to managers and company owners telling them about good experiences with their staff. Too often companies only hear about problems and it's nice to hear the good stuff too.
Not sure if this is the right category for it, but here it goes.

Do you guys help out a sales person after they have helped you with all your questions? When I go to a site and have questions I look for a ticket area for sales or live chat. I try and ask as many questions as I can so I know the product I am looking at is for me. But, whe your done and your ready to order do you ask your sales guy if there is a way to help him like adding his name to 'Optional Note' or something? Some sales staff I have encoutered tell me not to worry and have a nice day, some work on commission and will glady give you the right information so you can help them out.

Do any of you feel the same way as me and like to help out the person who sat there and answered every question you had?

I would say defiantly, Today for example I was talking to some Dell guy, helped me out a lot with my order, so I sent an email in saying how happy I was.

I am happy whenever someone gives me good services, but when its someone giving me good services without even making any profit from it I am even more so pleased with that person but also the company, as it can only reflect on how good the company is.
All at the same time, if I buy your product and you were an ass I'll be just as quick to tell someone that too.
Yes, it works both ways. And you don't always have to be rude to lose an existing client - you can just become complacent and expect the re-order, rather than earning it. Customer loyalty is an earned attribute.
It also benefits for you too - if you get the message that you gave a person good service and you have good connections with your manager, you'll get the message that you did a good job. When I used to work for a telemarketing company (It wasn't telemarketing...but in the same lines - I can't remember what the term is called. I don't work for them anymore) but when you get good messages back to you, your quality of work improves for sure.

And with that being said, your day goes by faster too!!
This helps who ever helped you out a lot. This will show his employer that he/she does a good job and might even give em a bonus once in a while for doing such a great job.
Whenever I deal with a sales person that I felt has really gone above and beyond the call of doing, I will do anything I can to help them out a bit...within reason though of course ;)
Yes, it works both ways. And you don't always have to be rude to lose an existing client - you can just become complacent and expect the re-order, rather than earning it. Customer loyalty is an earned attribute.


You do make a good point indeed. I find this especially true with the web hosting industry. If you are not there to answering questions, while they maybe happy with their first purchase, they could take their second purchase somewhere else.

A perfect example of why smaller companies need CRM so they can set a fixed interval to remind them to contact a customer to see how everyting is going and if they have any current or upcoming needs.

When it comes to sales I like to follow up with clients after 1 week of having service, 30 days after service, 90 days, and then every 90 days after that. While it may seem like a lot of work the customer really appreciates it. Plus, it increases sales.