RVSkin - Is it worth it?


New member
Hello everyone,

I would like to know if anyone is running RVSkin for cPanel and if you think it is worth the $100 it costs. Looking forward to your replies. Thanks in advance!
I am not running Rvskin, but I think its worth it, I've tried it for sometime and it just adds allot to cPanel.
Dactyl said:
I am not running Rvskin, but I think its worth it, I've tried it for sometime and it just adds allot to cPanel.

Thanks for the input Dactyl. Has anyone else used RVSkin and have an opinion?
I installed Rvskin a month ago.
We offer it but we have yet to have a request for it.

99% of the potential clients out there have no clue what RVskin is. Most of them have no clue what cPanel is.
All the client wants to know is that they don't have to do a lot of work to maintain their site.

Most of my clients rarely even log into cPanel. They put their site online and let it do the work.
Blue said:
I installed Rvskin a month ago.
We offer it but we have yet to have a request for it.

99% of the potential clients out there have no clue what RVskin is. Most of them have no clue what cPanel is.
All the client wants to know is that they don't have to do a lot of work to maintain their site.

Most of my clients rarely even log into cPanel. They put their site online and let it do the work.

That's a very good point. I'm intrested in hearing what a few more people think before I make a final desicion. Keep the opinions rolling in! :)
I think that RvSkin seems to be more popular among resellers because they have the ability to customize the control panel for their clients. There is also a sub-reseller system although I don't know how well it works.

Hello everyone,

I would like to know if anyone is running RVSkin for cPanel and if you think it is worth the $100 it costs. Looking forward to your replies. Thanks in advance!

Hello Cubic,
I have 200 Licenses for Rvskin for my customers, using the NOC Deals; and I think it is worth it. It is a fantastic Skin with many features which you can't normally find.

I would personally buy it depending on what you are using cPanel For.
Xcel_Hosting said:
I think that RvSkin seems to be more popular among resellers because they have the ability to customize the control panel for their clients. There is also a sub-reseller system although I don't know how well it works.

:shocked: I didn't know there was a sub-reseller system. That makes me a little more interested. I'll have to do some research on that.
I think it's a nice feature but when we had it to offer our customers it was never really used nor requested
Thanks for all the feedback. Your feedback had a big influence on our decision not to buy RVSkin at this time.
Well I would like to say that we use RVSkin as the default skin for our clients. They do have the option to change it, but they never do. Nor do they request it to be disabled or enabled. It came free with our server, so I never had to buy it before, but I would think its a good option to have it for your hosting clients. It has some real nice features!

Personally, I did use RVSkin and I did not like it. I understand that at the time you did not feel the need to buy it; however, you must realize that, that could be a value added service or an extra for clients that would like it. Any little bit helps in the hosting industry these days.
Well said Zachary,
There are several users out who want Rvskin as a cPanel Theme, but several may mean nothing yet but when there is a point with limited customers Several can come a long way.
It adds a little something extra to cPanel, I'd say its worth it. You can always switch between skins, not as if you would be stuck with it ;)
We bought it. Of the limited number of clients that ever log into CPanel, a few complained about it (they wanted it to look like they were used to - standard X2 theme) - so never bothered with it on any of the other servers.

Looking through our logs and stats earlier in the year, under 5% of our clients *ever* logged into their control panel.
Hey othellotech :beer: Hows it going?

I use a host with rvskin on, Telling the truth i dont see much diffrence in the normal cpanel and the rvskin, Just a diffrent theme :p
We use the RV Light Skins and our customers seem pretty happy with them. There is a new template system in the latest versions which allows you to totally customise the look (haven't had a chance to look at it yet though).
We use RVSKIN on all our servers. Personally, I love the "upsell" feature since it easily allows us to leave all the cpanel links/icons in place and then have the customer brought to a sales page where they can order the service they tried to use.

ie: If they sign up for a cheap/starter account that doesn't include mysql databases.. then they still have the link in their cpanel. If they click on it, the rvskin upsell page is displayed and they can quickly see how much it costs, and click "order now" to upgrade.

Just for that feature alone, I recommend rvskin.

It's also nice looking, well organized, and well supported by the developer.


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