Royal Visit


New member
They are in town this weekend. My crew is doing all food service for the visit.
This will be an interesting event. 2500+ people all wanting to eat and meet the royals.
Great PR for our little Canadian province.
That is amazing, Michael, that your team was selected to cook. Its a big honor and a very difficult challenge at the same time.

All the best to you. I know they are scheduled to visit Montreal as well.
We have all of the details worked out. The only unknown at the moment will be the weather.
It is a great crew to work with. A combined culinary experience of over 350 years.
I shouldn't really say "my" crew as such. It's our entire staff.
We have all of the details worked out. The only unknown at the moment will be the weather.
It is a great crew to work with. A combined culinary experience of over 350 years.
I shouldn't really say "my" crew as such. It's our entire staff.

Congratulations, good luck you and your team... I'm of no doubt it will be a night to remember for all the right reasons :)
That sounds like quite a memorable event. Definitely something you can tell your grandchildren about when time comes. :)
hopefully a few pictures will be thrown up on fliker or something so we can have a look ;)

Enjoy the event - don't stress too much, it's only royalty afterall ;)
We have all of the details worked out. The only unknown at the moment will be the weather.
It is a great crew to work with. A combined culinary experience of over 350 years.
I shouldn't really say "my" crew as such. It's our entire staff.

Wow. What a great opportunity! Congrats to you and your team. Hope it all goes very well. Enjoy the experience.
What a great honor! Congrats! :)

Do let us know how it turns out, and post some pictures! (if you can) :D

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