Reselling from exmasters.

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I have found interesting type of reselling, provided by

They do not create a reseller account for client, but allow reselling from shared or even dedicated plans. I have never seen such concept, and want to ask - are there any (dis)advantages of this system before the usual account reselling?
If they allo to resell - go ahead and start reselling from them. Be sure that you need to have billing controll pannel and support team to support your customers. ;)
and what if they don't? I thought I am able to install my own!

And support is my own problem, being a reseller, is it?
If you are reselling to your own customers, and they are not customers of the original host, then you provide support.
In this case better go for the VPS server because reseller web host account have no sence.
I think that is most important feature for reseller hosting.
I think that is most important feature for reseller hosting.
I'm a bit confused by that. End user support is not that common yet.

IMO reseller hosting still makes sense, as a VPS, especially those on the smaller side, can hinder performance.
I would agree about VPS with you Dan. But for my lat ataement in this thread: Reseller service include reselling not only spave and bandwidth. It is reselling of web hosting service which include support, security issues etc do allow reselling, but they do not provide anything for it: no control panel or billing software - everything is DIY, but nevertheless, they are quite qualified provider...
Thanks guys... I was thinkng a lot, and came to a conclusion that adult hosting is not for me - I do nopt know many things yet, but however, I will consider as a potential provider for my sites, if sometday i go into the adult business...

Thanks everyone. Mods, ldcdc, you can lock this thread, if you like...I have got everything I needed....
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