Reseller Hosting w/o sending email limits.


New member
Hey everyone. I've been using hosting from and for the most part have been fairly happy with the service.

However, like most reseller accounts they limit outgoing email to 120 emails per hour per domain. I have a couple of domains on there that are about to exceed this limit - and this becomes a pain. Because everytime I have to contact them to ask them to raise the limit. This means I have to monitor the subscriber database on all my reseller accounts to make sure they're not over the limit and if they are I have to submit a ticket to have them changed. So....

I'm looking for reseller hosting that doesn't limit the amount of outgoing email a domain sends. I'm looking for Linux, PHP, MySQL and hopefully either the ability to access MySQL directly through Navicat, or through SSH to Navicat.

Anyone know of any good reseller hosting like this?
The question obviously would be, why are these clients sending close to or more than 120 emails per hour?

This is not typical, and there are very few reasons why a client would be sending this much email.

The first thing to do is to determine why they have this type of email volume, before you look for a new host. The last thing you want is for this client to be spamming people, and you simply move the problem to a new server.
They are sending large amounts of email through a PHP script that I have written to send email(newsletters) to a subscriber database. The script loops through the addresses in the database and sens email to them using the PHP Mailer Class. In the script I DO NOT have it set to use SMTP, but my hosting provider is telling me that anything over 120 will be blocked.

I assumed since it's not using SMTP it would be ok and go through - they are saying otherwise. It could be the customer service reps don't know what they are talking about (and if that's true please let me know). But if not then I need to find new hosting.
If I were you, I would double check it is not spam e-mail. The reason e3 does this is to prevent spammers.
This is not spam. This is only for the reasons I have mentioned above - PHP Mailer script sending out multiple emails for a newsletter script. I'm going to write a script and send 300 or so emails to myself to see if they're blocked or not - this would solve my question.
Well, all 300 emails went through - I guess that means I'm ok. I guess they only block it if I use SMTP authentication.
douga said:
Well, all 300 emails went through - I guess that means I'm ok. I guess they only block it if I use SMTP authentication.
Glad to hear that. Limits on email is I think a positive step to keep spammers away. Most of the hosts will alllow you to send unlimited emails by mailing list/newsletters if you can assure them that mails sent are not spam.

My 2c's
Yea I guess so. After that test I tried 300 more using SMTP with PHP Mailer Class and all of those went through as well. I don't understand it all - but it's ok with me. :)
I got an account at, and i do not think i got any emails limitation. You may want to check
Be careful your script does not get labeled as spam or they could suspend your reseller account all together. You should probably let them know what you intend on doing. Hiding things from your provider does not make them happy if it causes a high server load or slows other clients emails down. If you contact them and they say yes and then there is an issue they have a place to start looking. php based mailer scripts are hard to track down sometimes if it starts causing issues. All they do is frustrate your provider. Knowing is half the battle.

You could get suspended or terminated based on your actions.

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