Reseller web hosting commonly provides a relatively inexpensive solution for newcomers to the industry who want to start their own web hosting company, offering web hosting services. In this scenario it’s a type of hosting account in which the “account holder” purchases a reseller or master account on a shared web server, then sells sub-accounts to their clients. They are essentially middle-men or intermediaries reselling services (space and bandwidth) allocated to them by their host.
Reseller accounts are also used by people with multiple websites (for their own use). The account holder can then adjust the amount of disk space and bandwidth allotted to each site and manage all of their sites via one control panel, such as cPanel or DirectAdmin.
Reseller web hosting accounts are generally marketed in different package sizes, allowing the account holder to match their requirements, then upgrade or downgrade as needed.
Advantages of reseller hosting
The web host is responsible for server maintenance.
The account holder controls access to all sites (their sites and their client’s sites) via one control panel.
The account holder can earn revenue reselling web hosting services.
The account holder can assign and modify space and bandwidth to all sites on that account.
With certain plans, account holders can brand their services without the appearance of being a reseller.
Startup costs are lower across the board.
Disadvantages of reseller hosting
Moving from the current web host can be both inconvenient and costly, both to the account holder and their clients.
They are marginally more expensive than shared hosting plans.
Terms of Service vary widely by web hosts, so it’s extremely important to understand what services the account holder is contracting for.
Reseller accounts are also used by people with multiple websites (for their own use). The account holder can then adjust the amount of disk space and bandwidth allotted to each site and manage all of their sites via one control panel, such as cPanel or DirectAdmin.
Reseller web hosting accounts are generally marketed in different package sizes, allowing the account holder to match their requirements, then upgrade or downgrade as needed.
Advantages of reseller hosting
The web host is responsible for server maintenance.
The account holder controls access to all sites (their sites and their client’s sites) via one control panel.
The account holder can earn revenue reselling web hosting services.
The account holder can assign and modify space and bandwidth to all sites on that account.
With certain plans, account holders can brand their services without the appearance of being a reseller.
Startup costs are lower across the board.
Disadvantages of reseller hosting
Moving from the current web host can be both inconvenient and costly, both to the account holder and their clients.
They are marginally more expensive than shared hosting plans.
Terms of Service vary widely by web hosts, so it’s extremely important to understand what services the account holder is contracting for.