registrar won't unlock domain


New member
I don't know if anyone here can help me. In July I had a domain registered through <somebody> who is an reseller. I am trying to transfer the domain to because I currently have about 10 other domains there and want to keep them all in the same place. tells me that they can't transfer the domain because it is locked by the registrar.

A little background on the registrar. I also hosted a website through his hosting company. I switched away from him after just a few weeks because his service SUCKED. I shouldn't say that. How about, I switched away because he provided no service at all.

I have emailed the registrar several times with no response. I try calling him several times with no response. Finally I get a hold of this guy and tell him I want the domain unlocked. He REFUSES to unlock the domain and acts very rude to me on the phone. I am getting the impression that he wants to jack me around because he's mad that I switched away from him, but I am not sure.

What I am wondering is what rights I have as the owner of the domain. Because I am the owner, does that obligate him to fulfil my request to have the domain unlocked? By the way, the domain is I don't know what that matters. If anyone can help or offer advice on what to do, I'd appreciate it.
If you paid for domain - it belongs to no one but you. He HAS to unlock it. What he feels about you has nothing to do with business. Obviously, there is some kind running the whole show.

If the domain name is important to you, I suggest contacting a lawyer for details on how you can get it from him.

Good luck,
Definately contact a lawyer. You may also want to mention the word lawyer.

I would suggest transferring the name to a big-name domain company. I never heard of omnis, maybe it's good. But i do suggest looking into a big company.
Your actual rights to the domain depend a great deal on how it was purchased.
Did you buy the domain on its own or was it part of a hosting package.
Who's information shows when you whois the domain. Is it yours or the name of the company who registered.
If your information isn't listed as the owner and billing information for the domain you really won't have much recourse.

Just for future reference, you should always register your own domains and have your own control panel to manage the domains.

I would recommend godaddy or EV1.
Hey, actually I re-read his post - he bought the domain from an ENOM reseller. I think he should immediately contact ENOM about this, since they might help him put the pressure on the guy.

I'm sure there's got to be somewhere in their agreement that resellers may not hijack people's domains registered through them.

Just another possible way to get your name back.

PS: Do not pronounce lawyer just yet. What you can ask him though if his legal department "accepts service". This is a professional term which basically means you're asking if they would be ready to respond legally to your request. If he says no - he is done, since NO company can say NO to that. Otherwise, they automatically get in big big trouble when your request comes to court and you mention it. If he wouldn't know what that means - he is a kid running (most likely) an unregistered business. If he still doesn't want to release one domain worth $10 of business to you, threaten (accurately) with IRS.

The truth is - there are plenty of ways to put perssure on them. I suggest to start from most cost effective to you. Send him requests every day (from free e-mails - hotmail, yahoo) until he gets enough and decides its not worth it anymore.

In most cases little resellers will not go through the trouble once you put pressure on them.

As Artashes said, contact eNom, and apply pressure to him.