Registrar Lock ?


New member
How long does it take for a Registrar lock to be removed ?

I'm trying to transfer a domain name from an ENOM reseller, I got ENOM to agree to remove the lock (as the reseller - a naff web reseller ! hadn't replied to any requests to allow the transfer).

When I whois, I get some replies with a status of Active and some with Registrar-Lock.

When I initiate a transfer, it has failed several times with "Registrar-Lock"

Is this normal ?
Should I just wait longer or contact ENOM again ?
You can check to see who your registrar is when you want to check if its changed or not.

When did you request the lock to be removed?
I think it normally takes around 15 days to remove the lock, thats what I have heard anyway, I normally use namecheap for domains.

if you keep contacting them Im sure they will pay more attention to it
I got an email form them last night (UK time !) saying that they'd removed the lock.

I'll have to be patient I guess :-(