Quote Request: Budget VPS Machine

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New member
We are accepting quotes for a VPS machine located somewhere outside of our primary DC's which are currently Chicago x 2, Dallas, Houston, and Phoenix.

System Requirements:

20Mbps Port Speed
600GB Transfer
15GB Storage
384mb Guaranteed Dedicated Memory (no memory swapping with other clients)
512mb Burst Memory
2 IP Addresses
1 vCore no lower than 1Ghz (system can not be below 1Ghz at any time)
DDoS protected/ Firewall Protected
99.99% Uptime or Higher

Budget: Within reason.
Host Requirements: In business for at least 5 years with a demonstrated track record of providing and managing VPS and Host Nodes, responsive support department, and references or verifiable reviews upon request.

Thank you for your consideration.
Hello there!

We specialize in managed VPS/Dedi. Our DC is in Chicago and we have a tech support live nearby in case hardware failures occur.

Your request suits our plan just right :) Average uptime is around 100% in 3 months. 2 IP addresses will be provided for free. Port speed is 1GBps, for DDos purposes we limit it to 100mbps. Guaranteed Ram starts from 512MB.

Not Sure what's your budget, but we can provide a fully managed VPS + a free cPanel at 25$ with 15 GB storage, 512MB, burstable RAM of 640MB a bandwidth of 150GB. Don't worry about resources, by the time when you hit the quota, we'll try to optimize your box so it doesn't use up that much. But if you do, we'll give you a free resource for expansion. We will let you know when its the time for you to upgrade.

Upon signups, we will usually harden your box for free. We also clean up your mySQL too.

Talk to you soon :) Have a nice day ahead.
You didn't specify an OS (or am I blind?). Is a Windows VPS acceptable? Our unmanaged DDoS protected 512mb/20GB container starts at $4.95/month
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