

New member
Has anyone ever heard of ProPay? They seem good.. only thing I can find about payment is $35 for one year.. couldn't find any other information, but only skimmed through it..

Have you ever used it? Good/Bad experiences?
Gordy...pleasant to meet you again :D

I havent heard of them and I dont intend on signing up with a company that is not know why ;)
I wouldnt bother investing in ProPay.

If you are going to invest in a merchant account at lease spend the time getting one thats worth while and going to get the job done right the first time.

I'm currently talking to a potential client of mine that is looking in exchanging site design services for a free merchant account.

It would be he would cover the app fee and the inital setup and I would be in charge of paying the $20 service fee.

Im getting a nice deal on 24cents transaction + 2.1%. Which is really good for a ISP.
If you have ever experienced I would guess it would be a similar experience to that of propay.

2CO is known for locking accounts... and you lose all your money.

The only online thing i am comfortable with right now is Paypal..... even then I have heard some horror stories no people using money.
A lot of people have trouble with paypal freezing accounts and taking the money in the accounts, I have heard loads of storys about that happening..

I dont know what propay is like because i have never used it and havent heard much about it either im afraid..
If its like paypal and people have to signup then I would think going with paypal is better, more people would already have an account and because its a bigger site people might think the security is better
Yeah, a friend of mine purchased an account here to try it out, we will see how it goes and I will fill you in with some details once I find out.
I got no problem with paypal thank god. I am use paypal of long time I remember when they start out that I did like them.