[PR7] Great Advertising Opportunities Available

Dan Grossman

New member

Several new advertising opportunities are now available on Awio websites with great introductory prices. A full list can be found here:


A few highlights:

Text links on PR7+ sites: Place your text link on the Awio network bar and be seen hundreds of thousands of times per month and gain backlinks from a PR7 website, 3 PR6 websites and 3 PR5 websites. The individual sites are listed on the page above.

468x60 banners: 40,000 monthly impressions on W3Counter.com for $150, exclusive spot.

Banners on an established webmaster resource site: Leaderboards and skyscrapers on Websitegoodies.com, going on 9 years of service to website owners with over 6000 users. Starts at $50 per month for exclusive purchase.

E-mail sponsorship: 375 new users sign up for a W3Counter counter every month, and every one of them has to read the welcome mail for their password. You can advertise in this mail for $50 per month.


Traffic to all Awio network sites where advertising is being sold is entirely from search engines and natural incoming links. No ad campaigns are or have been run in the past 6 months for any of these sites. The traffic they receive is extremely high quality, 90%+ English speaking and receptive to web hosting offers.

For the PicVault sponsorship, it should be noted that unlike most image hosting services, PicVault denies access to upload/view images to all but a select list of English-speaking countries, so your ad space will reach a more appropriate audience than other services can offer.

Let me know if there are any questions.

Text links are now available on the PR7 site W3Counter.com in the Partners section in the left column of all pages. This position is available at a discounted price compared to the network bar which includes this and other websites. You can reserve up to 3 months of advertising at http://www.awio.com/advertising.php

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