Potential fraud signup


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A sign-up to watch for:

Email domain being used: hotmail.com
Domain being used: us0meds.com
IP address:
(Further information withheld for customer privacy reasons)

This person's order passed the fraud autocheck, but the card address was not from the same area as the ordering IP. A phone call got only the response, "Sorry, wrong number." I actually strongly suspect that someone's credit card is being used fraudulently, and have reported the matter.
If your sure enough to post I'd post some of the details just in case too. :( Could be quite innocent and the person may have moved home.
It *might* be innocent, but when I called the number supplied with the order, the person who replied simply said, "Wrong number". There was also no response to the email we sent out. This happened over 36 hours ago - we allow time for response in these borderline cases.

As it is, though, the questionable ordering in conjunction with the domain (which seems to scream "Spam site in the birthing!!!") is enough for us to give the order the hairy eyeball.

What other details would you want? I don't personally know how much we can post without running afoul of any consumer privacy laws, hence my caution.

They ordered the smallest package we offer, monthly payment cycle. They paid with Visa card.
We did not fulfill the order. No way, no how - too many things just don't add up, or only add up to potential trouble (we don't have automatic signups, either, largely to protect ourselves against signups from folks like this.)
Thanks for the info Lesli, many of these med type domains turn out to either be serious spammers or fraudsters.

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