Posting Privleges in Request/Offers Forum


New member
I have noticed from the time that I have registered the large number of people making frivolous posts and replies to threads that are sometimes upwards of 2 years old. It seems to me that they are looking to just rack up the points to gain privleges to post in the Offers/Requests forums. I think that some thought might be needed as to how this privlege or policy could be altered so that people are not posting such useless threads and replies. I bring this up because I feel that such posts affect the overall quality and atmosphere of HostingDiscussion. I understand that there is not much that can be done to end this, but maybe we could brainstorm and ultimately come up with something that will help make HostingDiscussion a higher caliber community and with top-knotch information to share with the hosting industry.

Thanks for the time,
Thank you for the feedback Jordan. It is a valid point and I know exactly what you're referring to.

Sometimes though people do make honest mistakes. We take each case in part and look for the rationale behind their action. Rest assured that we are watching over things. Abusive users will be punished - sooner or later. We just try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt first. :)

We are open to sugestions and welcome the membership to help us create a better set of rules - if possible. Let the brainstorming begin! :)
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Nicely addressed, Dan. And Jordan, thank you for bringing up this issue to public attention. You think like a true moderator. Unfortunately, you are involved with a hosting company, otherwise we would have invited you to join our mod team long time ago. :)

Returning to issue raised, not a lot of people see it, but we ARE keeping strict control over our content and we DEAL with each case individually. Such that if we notice a certain individual mass posting just to rack up the post count and get more points, we usually contact that person personally and make sure he understands the dangers of continuing such practice. Almost always they understand and slow down. As we've said numerous times, we will not tolerate such behavior and will keep the quality standards of this board as high as we can. Point system is complimentary, to say thank you to our members, reward them for their loyalty, it is not the "focus" of attention. Usually, those who see points as the ultimate reward and only that do not even get to the point of purchasing and eliminated much sooner. So far we were lucky not to have such concerns and only 2 members were banned for that, having multiple warnings behind their belts.

On a second note, look at it this way - those who are interested only in our Marketplace forums, they would usually calm down themselves once they purchase the right to advertise and it doesn't take many posts to get there to start with.
