Please, I need help.


New member
I need buy a dual server. Is this company correct?.

2003 #4 DUAL Xeon 2.4Ghz
Added Bonus!: cPanel / WHM included FREE
Bandwidth: 2000GB Burstable Multihomed Bandwidth - 1000GB in and 1000GB out

Hard Disk 1: 73GB SCSI 10,000 RPM U160
Hard Disk 2: 80GB IDE Hard Disk 7,200 RPM
Processors: DUAL Intel XEON 2.4Ghz
RAM: 1GB ECC Registered DDR RAM
Start up: Fast Startup!
Xtra!: cPanel / WHM included FREE

Pay Monthly: $295.00 USD

Can you tell me other good companies for this server?.

I've never heard of them, but before signing up with them, be sure to try to find a bit of their company history out. Maybe try posting some questions on their forums too.
First time i came accross them today was from clicking an ad on net4nowt, pretty nice pricing but i would not expect the worlds greatest support from them.
but i would not expect the worlds greatest support from them.
Hopefully you won't get the worst should be the concern right?!

Personally I've not heard of them either but their pricing looks ok.

Perhaps you could, as mark suggested, posting in their forum or other hosting forums, I'm sure someone will be able to provide you some feedback.

Do spend some time to find out more and compare and not jumping into it as the returns on your effort will prove enormous.
Especially when your singature reads" hosting directory" :D

Although my theory is "cheap = :thumbdown", it doesn't have to be yours. :P

Good luck to your search ;)
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If I were you I would do alot of research and search forums about them. You don't want to waste money for downtime,horrible support,etc. Try e-mailing them and watch response time. Many ways to determine a good company from the bad companies.
Thank you
I'm not sure if hosts do this, I've never actually seen anybody talk about this in the hosting industry.

Ask them if they can give you client references. If you can get references from 3-5 clients, you might feel a bit easy about them. Of course you want established clients.

Then you can call the clients, talk to them for a minute or two and find out how long they've been with the host, what kind of service they've received, etc,etc.

Maybe that'll help?