Please help

I am helping out a friend that received a spam abuse letter today.

The message contained this.

"Tente o seguinte:

Se você digitou o endereço da página na barra de
endereços, certifique-se de que ele foi digitado corretamente.

Abra a home page e procure links para a informação

Clique no botão Voltar para tentar outro link.

Clique em Pesquisar para procurar informações na Internet.

Can anyone here on this board translate that??? Ive tried several online translators but non of them seem to recognize it.

Thanks in advance!
Hello Jonathan

This is Rahul Santimano with FastNetServers :) I dont know if you still recognize me...anyways in terms of translation this is Portuguese and it states the following:

It tries the following one: If you it typed the address of the page in the bar of addresses, is certifyd of that it was typed correctly. It opens the Home Page and it looks links for the desired information. Click in the button To come back to try another one link. Click in Searching to look information in the InterNet

Hope this helps...let me know if I could help you in any other way I would be more than happy to do so within my power.

Thanks, Rahul.

Kinda odd that someone would spam such a message. Even odd that someone would actually report that. Oh well. Thank you for your efforts!

P.S I still remember you :)