php coin as reseller billing?


New member
I would like to know if someone has experience with phpcoin as billing and ticket system. It comes with fantastico and it is open source. Not too pretty but seems to serve the purpose.

I am thinking on it to add to a reseller account to administer maintenance plans and such, I would like to gather some info first.

I had a bad experience with php coin before, I installed it in a domain I was trying and forgot about it. Some time later, that account was hacked. Not good.

Cpanel doesn't seem to react fast enough to security updates.

Thanks for any help,

It's not cPanel's job to react on security updates for third party programs.
You are the one who installed phpcoin, via Fantastico, which has nothing to do with cPanel.
You are the one responsible for keeping it updated.
Hi Blue,

You are absolutely right.

It is not cpanel responsibility, nor phpcoin either actually.

Cpanel can't keep up with security updates, and besides they are usually a couple of files to change only. :)

Now, did you check out phpcoin or just thought that I was mindless attacking cpanel? :D

I have only superficially looked at phpcoin.
I did a test install on an account to see the code.
It is functional enough and can be modified enough to fit a site but it is still a "work in progress".
I wouldn't recommend against it because I don't have enough experience with it, but I would recommend considering a paid version, if only to ensure that updates are regular enough to prevent hacks.
I was in similar situation a week ago and i found some convincing replies to encourage useage of phpcoin. I am using it now, still learning abt its features and use but it seems like a simple system :P
Look can be discouraging but you can google for good templates.

You should d/l from author's site and install software/script manually (not using fantastico). That way you get latest version to start with and in future you can manually keep it updated.
Thanks Bandboy and Blue for the ideas. :thankyou:

I think I will stay in phpcoin, it will do the transformation to a paid system in the next version. The sthetics is a problem, but not too a big deal with a little tweeking. The structure is decent and you can always replace buttons and background for what you want very easily.

Bandboy: Thanks for the info about looking for templates and the plan for installing. I really like fantastico though, I will see if I find a way to make something in the middle. :)

If Fantastico is up to date you should have the most recent version of phpCoin. You can always compare versions.
Also, you can still do manual updates if you use Fantastico for the initial install.
Well, as phpCOIN is free, they dont bother much about security vulnerabilities. I'd say, go with Paid Billing Script and be tension free, they do update the script regularly and release security patches as well as soon as they get notified of the vulnerability.
Personally, I've been able to find cheap licensing for both Modernbilling and Client Exec. We ended up going with a hosted ClientExec solution for $15(Cdn) a month. Since it's hosted, someone else worries about the updates and we even get a database backup emailed to us once a day.

I played with PHPCoin for a few hours, but I just couldn't get over the clunkiness of it.
inworx said:
Well, as phpCOIN is free, they dont bother much about security vulnerabilities.

I'm not sure that follows. Maybe it does, but it's fairly widely accepted that open source software is usually a little more stable and secure because many eyes on are on the code.

Not true in all cases, I guess, but I don't think the fact that anything is free means it's not secure.
accuurrtt said:
I guess Moderbill is the best one for me.
I used Modernbill before. I found it very confusing and not as user friendly. I prefer WHMCS as it is a great program and I just think the simplicity of it makes it all around my choice of systems.
I used phpCoin breifly once. It was ok. Had a hard time with the backend. For some reason I could not relate to it.

Security should not be a problem. All of the open source communities are generally very quick to spot and address vunerabilities. It would be hard to find a script that has never had a problem.

Personally I use CE. I have two different ones for different bliing accounts. You should pay 5.00+ a month through any of the larger reseller providers. So cost should not be the issue.

The concern you should have is the direction the developer is going. Last time I was at their site, a while back, they were bringing out a more advanced and paid version. There seen to be a lot of concern about how long the free version would be supported. So if you use it, make sure you understand where you stand with that and be prepared to switch later down the road if need be.