PerlDesk or EdgePanel for my support desk?

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help desk programs

I for one am looking into helpdesk programs.. there are two I have it narrowed down to for now unles someone can direct me to something else.. but I have questions that maybe someone here can answer?

I like the looks of Pearldesk, and EdgePanel. It does not matter to me if I pay for one to own it or pay yearly for a lisence if the product is good and does what it needs to do, and there is sufficient support with the program.

That is what I am not sure of. I visit their individual forums and don't actually see much traffic. One could that that either direction, 1. that the product is not supported as it should be or 2. that there are no problems that need support. (the latter of which I find difficult to completely get past my adams apple)

So for my benifit.. can anyone tell me the differences?
the pros of pearldesk and the cons
is it a system hog on resources to run and manage?

the pros and cons of EdgePanel

and the differences between the two?

why do you like one over the other?

is there something better out there??

thanks in advance for any input... I am a newbee to all of this so I visit many program sites....
I was lucky and got Edge when it was still a freebie. It's great and very low overhead, so may be worth buying. Can't really comment on others as we use one in the main. :)
Well EdgePanel is not very expensive at $35.00 US a year for the lisence so that is ok with me... I just want to know apples for apples so they say..
thank you for your answer !!!;)
**MOD NOTE: Split into a seperate thread as you might get more help if people know there is a new seperate question for the thread**

I have used PerlDesk, but not Edge Panel.
I think PerlDesk is great, it doesn't have too many things on it that you don't need, I think it is user friendly and my customers like it.

I had a problem at first with the setup of PerlDesk but the answer was already in the forum for my question.
Apart from that, I haven't need any help or support for it.

I just checked the demo of Edgepanel and it looks very good, I was only able to check the admin side though so I don't know what custoemrs would see for their part of the script.

PerlDesk hasn't given me any problems as regards to hogging resources either.

I use PerlDesk too, I'm waiting for the new release to be so called "stable"...

My first helpdesk was Renax EP but I never liked it a lot... But since it was free I said, its good for what you get... When they sold off, I purchased PerlDesk... Due to the PIPE bug.

I'm considering moving to Kayako though

Good Luck