Paypal As a way to accept payments

PayPal is something that although is rather annoying for a business owner, is a payment solution that people are happy to use. They feel safe using it, and so use that as an option. With WHMCS its annoying for card owners if you require them to submit a Credit Card Authorisation form, thus it just depends what you want to use. PayPal is good but make sure that you cover the fees they charge.
I have 2CO and Paypal as payment options and with my clients paypal seems to be far more popular. I guess its the one everyones heard of.
So your telling me that if I do not have a certain form of account that you would not do business with me.

That sucks to be honest with you, as I have dealt with a lot of people that do not have premium accounts...


It's not as personal as you make it sound. It's just that in general, we have to make some assumptions and avoid certain key 'red flags', even though our criteria incorrectly labels many honest and legitimate individuals/companies as a fraud risk.

Take for example an area of town that is known to be dangerous. If you see two men walking with large hoodies on, it's probably safe to avoid walking by them, though chances are they are just as afraid of being there as you are. Sorry, I know it's a bad example :uhh:
From my point of view. It was , It is and it will stay like it is

Once Google gets their NFC merchant terminals into retail stores and ATMs in North America and Europe, Google Wallet will rule the air. 10 years from now all of the mobile phones will have NFC. Google being the pushing mechanism for this technology today will see it pay-off in a few years.
PayPal has been in business from long time and it has a majority of users. Its even renowned and clients feel much more comfortable while using PayPal so we can't really deny these facts.