Paid Hosting vs Free Hosting

the old addage of...

You get what you pay for does NOT apply in the hosting industry.
With the onslaught of countless resellers that have little knowledge and even less invested in their businesses there are a lot of free hosts that really do offer great deals.
We compete with the likes of Google, freeservers and others that really provide great service. Each has their own business model which may be part of a long term goal to get you to upgrade or in the case of Homestead, force a switch to paid later on.
As paid web hosts, all we can do is provide knowledgeable and prompt service to our clients and we will never have to worry about free competitors or for that matter, the time when everyone can host directly from their own pc as easy as a few clicks of the mouse.
Free hosting is a good way to test your website PHP scripts etc. Relying on it for a production site is a completely different story. Paid hosting is by far the best option for serious website owners.
With no doubt paid hosting is way better. You can be nearly certain about some standards and specifications that will be provided to you and that will bring you satisfaction from provider. Free host providers WILL NEVER be as good as paid ones. And fact is that nowadays paid hosts are not expensive aswell.