Outsourced support


New member
I was wondering what you guys thought about Oursourced support?

Is it worth it and would you do it?

Also is the price worth it as well?


The Problem with Outsourced Support is that moustly those Guys are from India, and they don't speak English so well as you can... They can be Cost Effective but wach out for some Company's...

If I need to outsource my Support I would preffer an US Company to do it, but's a lot more Expensive... I have seen $3 per LiveChat on an US Outsourced Co. But in an Indian Co. I have seen $60 and they do S.Ticket support too...

Is your Choice, but as I said wach out...

I agree with the speech. It may be my only solution at the moment. I cant do a telephone service 24/7 myself.

"But in an Indian Co. I have seen $60 and they do S.Ticket support too..."

Do you have a URL for that please MaTriX?

I would have to say only if they fully appreciate your business and especially your customers.

I personally try from 8am till midnight GMT and have 2 others who do the 8 hour gap (it does cross over for all of us plus a couple of others on different tasks helping out).

If it's all just simple 'how do I' then there isn't a problem but I've never been a big believer (and have been unfortunately proven correct) in the amount of dedication you will get to your customer for a tricky one (and tricky could just be tricky getting the customer to understand it).
Not really cost effective if you ask me, get your own people, It's a bit more expensive but still you won't have a problem with launguage barriers.
Also you have to look at what might happen if they do something wrong such as causing a customer to delete all their files. Sometime people need to be accountable

Hi David,

Unlike India-based outsourced technical support providers, we're a US-based outsourced technical support company that has RHCE-certified engineers in India that might fit your bill.

I was born and raised here in the US (even though I'm of Indian heritage) so I understand the level of quality customer service needed and know how to make it happen in India. I'm actually flying there in two days. ;)

Visit our website for our pricing (http://www.tripodsupport.com) or just PM me if you'd like.

(mods feel free to remove if this is off-topic or unsuitable).

Hi Thank you for your message,

Sorry I should have kept everyone updated so I did not waste your time... Afraid I have got someone now for the 24/7 support service, and once again should have let you all know...

I dont see any reason for your post to be deleted though ;)

But yet again thank you for your time... Good man :)
Supportpro.com is a US-based company located in Chicago with a support centre in India. All business enquiries are directly with the US-office. Anyone interested can try it. Also we offer a 2 weeks FREE trial for new clients to build confidence in our ability.
Francisco said:

The Problem with Outsourced Support is that moustly those Guys are from India, and they don't speak English so well as you can... They can be Cost Effective but wach out for some Company's...

If I need to outsource my Support I would preffer an US Company to do it, but's a lot more Expensive... I have seen $3 per LiveChat on an US Outsourced Co. But in an Indian Co. I have seen $60 and they do S.Ticket support too...

Is your Choice, but as I said wach out...


It seems a lot of companies now have a US based sales center but the support is still in india.

EVERYTHING including the call center and reps for our service IS IN THE USA! :)

Native english speakers

Although we do not do a lot of technical support - we do CUSTOMER and SALES support.

Check us out

Francisco said:

The Problem with Outsourced Support is that moustly those Guys are from India, and they don't speak English so well as you can... They can be Cost Effective but wach out for some Company's...

If I need to outsource my Support I would preffer an US Company to do it, but's a lot more Expensive... I have seen $3 per LiveChat on an US Outsourced Co. But in an Indian Co. I have seen $60 and they do S.Ticket support too...

Is your Choice, but as I said wach out...


This is not applicable for all outsourcing company based in India ,a proper review and capability test is important before you're going to outsource your project. If you take example of few corporate giants like Amex, Motorola, Boeing, Ingersoll Rand, Avon, GXS (spin-off of GE), Daimler/Chrysler, and Citigroup, HCL who have opted for outsourcing support to India and performing very well through their highly trained in house staff employed locally. The selection and recruitment procedures for those employees are very stringently performed and after going through different screening process including voice test procedure like diction, modulation and ascent of english language and its fluency. Those outsourcing companies ONLY select most competent person matching with their standards and requirement. Overall after appointing their staff they also provide continuous in-house training to improve their effectiveness in communication matching with international standard.

If you check the stats percentage growth for only international voice business in India there has been growth of 25% - 30% per year in international voice business itself.
etechsupport said:
This is not applicable for all outsourcing company based in India ,a proper review and capability test is important before you're going to outsource your project. If you take example of few corporate giants like Amex, Motorola, Boeing, Ingersoll Rand, Avon, GXS (spin-off of GE), Daimler/Chrysler, and Citigroup, HCL who have opted for outsourcing support to India and performing very well through their highly trained in house staff employed locally. The selection and recruitment procedures for those employees are very stringently performed and after going through different screening process including voice test procedure like diction, modulation and ascent of english language and its fluency. Those outsourcing companies ONLY select most competent person matching with their standards and requirement. Overall after appointing their staff they also provide continuous in-house training to improve their effectiveness in communication matching with international standard.

If you check the stats percentage growth for only international voice business in India there has been growth of 25% - 30% per year in international voice business itself.

etched support - i can tell you do not live in the usa or if you do, you have not for a very long time.

People talk and one of the things americans hate, is people who cant speak english. Most of it is pride and arrogance. Goes down to the corner store and nail salon. Our comedians make jokes about it, because its so prevalant.

It is a HUGE issue, and only non-natives see it as no big deal.

I can also tell that english is not your native tounge. You are very well spoken, but a few key areas of your sentence structure tells me you are TRYING to be formal. In fact, what you wrote, has several grammatical errors, which would be exacerbated if that above paragraph was spoken. It sounds stiff and more importantly, a few things would make most (arrogant) americans focus on the error - which means nothing in reality, but our pride wont let it go.

Most americans prefer what is called professional casual conversation. Which is everyday speaking, yet maintaining professionalism. No one wants to feel like they are speaking to a PHD, because most people nowadays are not that highly educated.

Etch i am not criticizing or bashing you, please understand my heart. I am just trying to give you the perspective of someone who grew up in this country and has experienced on many occasion the frustration of someone who doesnt understand me.

Americans are picky - and stubborn - and there is a lot of competition. A bad experience pre or post sale can cost business.

I think indian based companies are great -there is a growing economy over there, and more and more large corps set up shop over there. But they do it for money -plain and simple. But our country has waaaaaay more small businesses - earning less than $5 million a year. The companies you quoted are MAJOR businesses, and do not represent accurately the heart and soul of the USA.

In tech support -when it comes to math, coding, etc where its universal -its not as bad. But all americans HATE DELL AND AOL and many other LARGE companies' customer support. Just ask the consumers (not the sellers) - you will see.


Read this article to see what the real state of outsourced service is:


that article references this site: www.complaints.com

take a look at how many have to do with overseas customer service.

For the record, for my web development company I have had several natives of India (as well as russia, dominican republic and germany). They were all GREAT - i mean excellent, designers or coders, but i didn't let them answer the phone unless I had no choice. There are many ways to say the same thing. SO when you combine the fact that the non-native, doesnt understand the question, with the fact that whatever they say will not be clearly understood, you have potential for problems.

English is NOT the problem -its CULTURE that is the problem - you understand the language, but not the people -thus the complaints.

-naw mean, hoss?

-Feel me dawg?

-Like, totatally! Like oh, my, gosh, like get it?

-Dude, yknow?

Now honestly, do you REALLY know the difference between the four questions I asked above?? OR what part of the country those people would be from? What color or age would they be?

Right or wrong, those are probably not concerns to someone overseas, but cultural identity is a big deal in the USA.

I really hope this came off in the right tone, again - i am not bashing you or any indian based company - i am all about working together not tearing apart -and this I know is a sensitive issue.

The English Language= its the worse -lol.
I have to say that I really hate when I get put through to support that isn't speaking my language as their first.

I don't care at all about race but I want to understand someone and I want them to understand me...

I posted in another thread that I had so many problems with people not understand me and me not understanding them because of the language barrier.

I know I would also favour a company over another if they had local techs (Or national).
webchathelp said:
etched support - i can tell you do not live in the usa or if you do, you have not for a very long time.

People talk and one of the things americans hate, is people who cant speak english. Most of it is pride and arrogance. Goes down to the corner store and nail salon. Our comedians make jokes about it, because its so prevalant.

It is a HUGE issue, and only non-natives see it as no big deal.

I can also tell that english is not your native tounge. You are very well spoken, but a few key areas of your sentence structure tells me you are TRYING to be formal. In fact, what you wrote, has several grammatical errors, which would be exacerbated if that above paragraph was spoken. It sounds stiff and more importantly, a few things would make most (arrogant) americans focus on the error - which means nothing in reality, but our pride wont let it go.

Most americans prefer what is called professional casual conversation. Which is everyday speaking, yet maintaining professionalism. No one wants to feel like they are speaking to a PHD, because most people nowadays are not that highly educated.

Etch i am not criticizing or bashing you, please understand my heart. I am just trying to give you the perspective of someone who grew up in this country and has experienced on many occasion the frustration of someone who doesnt understand me.

Americans are picky - and stubborn - and there is a lot of competition. A bad experience pre or post sale can cost business.

I think indian based companies are great -there is a growing economy over there, and more and more large corps set up shop over there. But they do it for money -plain and simple. But our country has waaaaaay more small businesses - earning less than $5 million a year. The companies you quoted are MAJOR businesses, and do not represent accurately the heart and soul of the USA.

In tech support -when it comes to math, coding, etc where its universal -its not as bad. But all americans HATE DELL AND AOL and many other LARGE companies' customer support. Just ask the consumers (not the sellers) - you will see.


Read this article to see what the real state of outsourced service is:


that article references this site: www.complaints.com

take a look at how many have to do with overseas customer service.

For the record, for my web development company I have had several natives of India (as well as russia, dominican republic and germany). They were all GREAT - i mean excellent, designers or coders, but i didn't let them answer the phone unless I had no choice. There are many ways to say the same thing. SO when you combine the fact that the non-native, doesnt understand the question, with the fact that whatever they say will not be clearly understood, you have potential for problems.

English is NOT the problem -its CULTURE that is the problem - you understand the language, but not the people -thus the complaints.

-naw mean, hoss?

-Feel me dawg?

-Like, totatally! Like oh, my, gosh, like get it?

-Dude, yknow?

Now honestly, do you REALLY know the difference between the four questions I asked above?? OR what part of the country those people would be from? What color or age would they be?

Right or wrong, those are probably not concerns to someone overseas, but cultural identity is a big deal in the USA.

I really hope this came off in the right tone, again - i am not bashing you or any indian based company - i am all about working together not tearing apart -and this I know is a sensitive issue.

The English Language= its the worse -lol.


Perhaps those companies are compromising even for that "English language" to save cost.

We have grown by 25% in current fiscal year and our 70% customers are from US itself including three 500 Fortune company. Our most of the customers come through word of mouth, this is our reward. :)
