order a dedicated server

Ordering a server is not too much complicated if you are sure what you need and what is the price you can afford, what is the complexity in this ?

Just check the offer section select a company which match your needs use their ordering system or mail to their sales team to guide you.

Most server companies sales work 24 x5 days only but they will reply and guide you, companies like softlayer offer you the full process in their site which is highly interactive
Before going for the solution so called " Fully managed" its better to read the things they do before buying it, many companies have many meaning for the word " Managed servers or support" so first go for a chat with their sales guys, get info then buy
If you are good in programming, well, dedicated is fine, but if you are not, have a managed server plan. I know lots of customers who has dedicated but have no idea about meaning managed or unmanaged.. and they are really upset when they can not find answer of their questions or when hosting companies ask for hourly fee..

You can communicated any hosting company who has staff working for 24/7 ... I am sure you want to make sure that your server will be rebooted in the middle of the night:)) check out the extension hours services, additional price for reboots or even a tickets.. ( believe me some companies charges for ticket that you opened more than certain nummber)
Lets not get it wrong here.

Most hosts will more than gladly custom order your server to fit your needs and requirements. I would also suggest getting a managed server.