Ongoing reviews


New member
Do any of you use any type of script to allow customers/clients the option to leave reviews, whether it be positive or negative? I have saw many using the forums to do such reviews but are there specific scripts available?
We send out a mailer to our customers after signups and then a few weeks/months after they've been a client to find out how we're doing. (mailer via email).

Helpdesk tickets all get a review, as do chat sessions.

In our newsletters we encourage feedback also, and we generally get it - good, bad and indifferent.

I've not used any scripts for that though.
We actually ask for reviews, and on live chat award a monthly bonus to the tech with the highest customer rating.
You can also set up a forum from within your hosting panel where people could visit and post any questions they have about your accounts as well as their feedbacks and reviews. It could also be recommended turning off the signing up process because that would facilitate the posting ideas since everyone, even with no accounts could be able to post ideas and exchange views with the other staff and customers.
As suggested above, do not use scripts, use emailing instead. Tell them to post good reviews, in return they will get some kind of reward. Maybe a discount ?
telling someone to post a good review could be considered a bribe ;)

But really, isn't the point of the review to find out not just where you're doing good, but most important where you're doing bad? This would help you improve in that area.

Personally I put a lot more weight into reviews that we receive that are critical of staff, systems or resources - it gives us the opportunity to improve. If everyone says everything is wonderful, you can quickly find yourself scratching your head while people start leaving because of whatever reason that they didn't alert you to.

Posting a review for the public I guess is one thing, but posting a review for internal improvement is what I look for mostly.
Part of that scratching your head can be attributed to a perceived level of customer satisfaction, only to be awakened to reality when that long term client switches to a new provider.

I'm a firm believer that you need to measure your success - in sales and customer support - so you can manage them effectively. I always recommend asking a client if you've exceeded their expectations. If so, great. If not, find out why. :)
We use RatePoint for reviews. It tends to be more trusted because it's a third party program. So far it's been working really well for us and we haven't gotten any bad reviews (aside from one or two four stars out of five :) We often include links to the rating form from our email newsletters and customers tend to be happy to provide them.
Well personally, reviews are actually very helpful in my business. I post all of them without editing it. More often than not, I use the negative reviews as a challenge. Sometimes, reviews from clients could make or brake you.