Novak is dead. None too soon.


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These are my opinions and they represent the opinions of my company and my holdings.

I am not hypocritical and I do not hide behind a corporation.

A man died today and the world is a better off for it.

Robert Novak lived too long in my opinion.

Robert Novak was the scum of the earth.
We are better off and the the world is better place now that he has passed.

Good riddance to him and his type.

He made our world weaker and more dangerous and he should have been strung up while he was still able to understand why.

I don't believe in heaven or hell but I wish there was some special place this ****stain could be spending eternity where he would never have a moment of peace.

He lived as a scumbag and his death was welcomed by many.

Rest in Turmoil.
lol those are some strong words! I've never heard of him before this thread but you've got my interest :p I'll read up more about him.
I'm a reasonable person.

There are not many people who's deaths I would celebrate but this man was one.

I would never wish death on a human but I have no problem post mortem pointing out the reasons I don't mourn some.
I glanced over his story at Wikipedia, but couldn't figure out why you feel this way about him. Is that over the CIA leak? A pro-Palestinian stance? What provokes such attitude? There has got to be some principle that was broken...

Is it because he is a conservative and you hate conservatives. My god the old man suffered for the remaining years of his life from cancer. Have you walked through that with a family member before? Everyone has their right to their opinions and free speech but I think you missing someone an eternal damnation of a special place is a little harsh.

No matter what he did, no one should have to go through a fight with cancer. That is the worse possible thing you could fight in the world.

Blue didn't say anything about the actual disease, and I am sure he feels for the victims of the disease. He seems to be only focusing on Robert Novak as a human being and makes no relationship to how he died, or what caused it. That seems to be irrelevant to his point...

Blue didn't say anything about the actual disease, and I am sure he feels for the victims of the disease. He seems to be only focusing on Robert Novak as a human being and makes no relationship to how he died, or what caused it. That seems to be irrelevant to his point...

It is relevant. The guy has already seen hell. He fought against one of the nasties diseases alive and we are talking about eternal damnation because of the fact that Novak was outspoken in his views. blue & Novak have both the right to their opinions and to make that public. I haven't found any instances where Novak has wished eternal damnation on blue.

I don't think its right. We are all humans, we all have our views, and we all make mistakes. I'm not even defending Novak and some things he did. I just believe that the words of Blue where way out of line.
I glanced over his story at Wikipedia, but couldn't figure out why you feel this way about him. Is that over the CIA leak? A pro-Palestinian stance? What provokes such attitude? There has got to be some principle that was broken...

I can't really figure out the reason either. :S Maybe it's because of his political views?
I don't think its right. We are all humans, we all have our views, and we all make mistakes. I'm not even defending Novak and some things he did. I just believe that the words of Blue where way out of line.

As someone said, everyone is entitled to my opinion. :D

It is a free speech forum, though. And Blue did not say anything to diminish the hurtfulness that comes from the actual disease. I lost two relatives to cancer, and I didn't perceive his statement that way.
He talked about a guy and his action(s) that in his books apparently would cause a lot of hatred towards his character.
Is it not clear already that the original mistake was made in the White House by referring to the report in the first place, and the second mistake was made again in the White House by these two senior administration officials giving out the information?

Was it a mistake to write about this? I don't think so.
Reporters need to keep writing stories and report the truth to keep democracy running.

That's my opinion.

Is it because he is a conservative and you hate conservatives. My god the old man suffered for the remaining years of his life from cancer. Have you walked through that with a family member before? Everyone has their right to their opinions and free speech but I think you missing someone an eternal damnation of a special place is a little harsh.

No matter what he did, no one should have to go through a fight with cancer. That is the worse possible thing you could fight in the world.

No Zachary.
I don't hate conservatives.
My voting record is generally conservative.
How he died is irrelevant, and yes, I have walked through this with family members, most recently my Father who passed away from cancer less than 9 months ago.

Opinions and free speech are basic rights but that argument holds no water at all with me when people abuse that right to cause so much damage.

The Valerie Plame situation should be enough for anyone to have disdain for this low life. He outed a CIA agent. He should have been hung for treason.
He himself certainly would have petitioned for an execution if someone from the other side of the political spectrum had done the same thing under Clinton.

He posted many unethical and false columns during the campaign in 2008 directed against Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama and even John McCain.

He lied about his ties with Karl Rove.

He ran over a 66 year old man and then sped away. He was never given a sobriety test.

He was a political whore who sold out at any opportunity to the highest bidder with no journalistic ethics at all.

I spent a lot of time watching the career of Novak as well as many other political pundits. More than 25 years I would guess, and Novak was very very low on my list.

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