Nigeria Fraud Warning

A few days I supposively sold my laptop to a legit buyer. UPS / Western Union say otherwise.

I was confronted about a laptop i was selling on eBay by someone who wanted to pay me right now for it.

I said I would for a certain amount, and he agreed. He said he had made a payment via Western Union Auction Payments. I received an email 5 hours later confirming that order from

SO I packaged the laptop and proceeded to ship it with the shipping label my buyer provided.

Next morning UPS called me saying the label I used was purchased with a stolen credit card. And that I was under fraudulent investigation. I provided all my proof (emails) to UPS and they gave my laptop back to me and dropped investigation on my end.

I then called western union to check on the order confirmation I received. Turns out the order number is actually legit... but 4 months old and not to my name nor for the amount I sold the laptop for.

So this is my warning to everyone who sells merchandise on the internet.... make sure you have the money and the check clears prior to shipment. And anyone wanting to purchase stuff and have it shipped to Nigeria beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank god for me, I have my laptop still... I didn't lose any money. awful! Thanks for the warning. Hopefully you'll be able to sell your laptop! (If I had money, I'd probably be interested, but the IRS is getting a wodge of my cashola. The perils of having a bubble in your income at years' end...gah.)
I sold the laptop on Sunday... made more money on this deal. I have money in my paypal accountn now! YAY! Time to prepay a Xeon server for 6
I passed this post by because I thought it was about the Nigeria emails of people asking to transfer millions to your bank account, didn't know it was something different :rolleyes:

I would never send anything until a check cleared and I was sure the money was in my account (Bank, paypal or whatever).
I have been burnt before but that was when I sent payment.
I am always suspicious now but people don't mind waiting for a check to clear.
No reason for you to send them something when you have nothing for it yet.
It is like you sending something off and them saying they will send the money in a few days, after you post their item.

It is normal practise to wait for a check to clear anyway so they shouldn't mind.

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