G gooooogle New member Mar 8, 2004 #1 I found a nice WHOIS script and tried it on my website. Check it out. http://www.vision-park.net/whois/wholite.cgi
I found a nice WHOIS script and tried it on my website. Check it out. http://www.vision-park.net/whois/wholite.cgi
B BlackStorm New member Mar 8, 2004 #2 Looks pretty good gooooogle, I use a WHOIS feature included with whois.cart (Billing script) but Im sure some people will find this useful for their site
Looks pretty good gooooogle, I use a WHOIS feature included with whois.cart (Billing script) but Im sure some people will find this useful for their site
G gooooogle New member Mar 8, 2004 #3 Quite a few tld's not listed though. Anyone know of one with more tld's?
turnkey New member Mar 9, 2004 #5 Humm, seams not to be able to query the Wildwest "godaddy" registar information.
V vpscolo New member Mar 10, 2004 #9 Another nice whois scripts is from geek-tools.com. Will also automatically look up IP's which makes fraud finding a bit easier Rus
Another nice whois scripts is from geek-tools.com. Will also automatically look up IP's which makes fraud finding a bit easier Rus