New web hosting company staff needed (pay offered)


New member
Hello, I am starting a new web hosting company offering a forum hosting service. The service will be run from our own servers with our own written handcrafted software. Please send the application below to: . The web hosting company Elite Invision will open with in a few months.

The positions open for this company are listed below:

- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
- Chief Operations Officer
- Customer Support Manager
- Customer Accounts Manager
- Director
- Company Coordinator


It is our policy to provide equal employment opportunity to all qualified persons without regard to race, creed, color, religious belief, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental handicap, or veteran status.

Name: Last __________ First __________ Middle _________ Date __________

Street Address ______________________________________________________

City ______________________ State ____________ Zip _________________

Telephone ( ) ________________ Social Security # ____________________

Position applied for ___________________________________________________

How did you hear of this opening ________________________________________

When can you start _____________________ Desired Wage $ ______________

Are you a U.S. citizen or otherwise authorized to work in the U.S. on an unrestricted basis?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

Are you looking for full time employment? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If no, what hours are you available? _______________

Are you willing to work swing shift? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Are you willing to work graveyard? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Have you ever been convicted of a felony? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, please fully describe the circumstances: _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Education: School Name and Location Year Major Degree

High School _____________________________________________________

College _____________________________________________________

College _____________________________________________________

Other _____________________________________________________


In addition to your work history, are there are other skills, qualifications, or experience we should consider:

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Employment History: (Start with most recent employer.)

Company name _______________________

Address __________________________________ Telephone _________________

Date Started _______ Starting Wage _______ Starting Position ___________

Date Ended ________ Ending Wage _______ Ending Position ___________

Name of Supervisor ________________ May we contact? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Responsibilities _____________________________________________________

Reason for leaving _____________________________________________________

Company name _______________________

Address __________________________________ Telephone _________________

Date Started _______ Starting Wage _______ Starting Position ___________

Date Ended ________ Ending Wage _______ Ending Position ___________

Name of Supervisor ________________ May we contact? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Responsibilities ________________________________________________________

Reason for leaving ______________________________________________________

Company name _______________________

Address __________________________________ Telephone _________________

Date Started _______ Starting Wage _______ Starting Position ___________

Date Ended ________ Ending Wage _______ Ending Position ___________

Name of Supervisor ________________ May we contact? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Responsibilities _____________________________________________________

Reason for leaving _____________________________________________________

Attach additional information if necessary.

I certify that the facts set forth in this application for employment are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I am employed, false statements on this application shall be considered sufficient cause for dismissal. This company is hereby authorized to make any investigations of my prior educational and employment history. I understand that employment at this company is "at will," which means that either I or this company can terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without prior notice, and for any reason not prohibited by statute. All employment will continue on that basis. I understand that no supervisor, manager, or executive of this company, other than the president has the authority to alter the foregoing.

Signature _________________________ Date ____________________
So what role are you taking in this business? I suggest you get a proper email address first not a free yahoo one. I also think you need to get your website launched before you start employing people for positions which i feel are not needed.

Can you even explain each of these positions? I would like to know what each role plays in the company.
EliteWebHosting, the only suggestion I can make is to make sure you have a signed by you or your company official privacy policy you can send/show to those who will submit the above information to you.

Hello again, im not using a free yahoo email address, i use yahoo internet. Though you should not go off-topic with this.

If you dont know what the positions are you surely should not be working with hosting ;)
EliteWebHosting said:
If you dont know what the positions are you surely should not be working with hosting ;)

You should list the duties and responsibility of each position so that any possible applicants know EXACTLY what is expected of them. For example, director? Director of what? What does the director do? What are the qualifications needed? And a privacy policy is a must when you ask for information like that.
EliteWebHosting said:
Hello again, im not using a free yahoo email address, i use yahoo internet. Though you should not go off-topic with this.

If you dont know what the positions are you surely should not be working with hosting ;)

My question would be "do you know what these positions are"?

How can you expect people to take you seriously when you are asking to fill a CEO position when you are advertising on a forum with a yahoo address.

Anyone who was actually qualified for a management position would laugh at this post rather than taking it seriously.

You may get some kids who think they know the biz though.

Good luck.
Now that you mention it, that does seem a bit odd. If you are starting this company, wouldn't YOU be the Chairman and/or Chief Executive Officer? And also, (I'm not a lawyer or a major businessman, but this is what I have been led to think) doesn't your company need to be a corporation to have a CEO?

And what does a company coordinator do, or what would one do for your company? I just don't see how a forum hosting company would need so many employees especially if your just starting out. I could see having a few, but these positions seem a bit out of the ordinary for a company of that kind.
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I am the President of the company, a chariman is also known as a Vice President. Listed below are the reasons per opening.

- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer: will be the vice president of the company. Will handle all issue of the company with the company president.

- Chief Operations Officer: will be in charge of the compaies operations and projects.

- Customer Support Manager: As the name explains, you will be in charge of customer support.

- Customer Accounts Manager: will manage all accounts, and billing.

- Director: Guides staff in correcct directions.

- Company Coordinator: over sees all operations.

Also note; your SSN is only optional.

I look forward to working with some of you! :mic:
That's all good, EliteWebHosting. But you might get a better response if you break down positions by requirements and responsibilities for each - a job description is a must, no matter who you are looking for!

Also, as far as I know, to have a CEO, you need to have plenty of Directors. Here is the article that can hopefully help you choose a more correct way of attracting employees:

If you are that serious about the project, I will also highly recommend you to advertise on or other job search portals in order to attract more qualified personnel. Not only you get professionals, but you will actually be able to reach more job seekers in general.
