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I got myself a new managed ssd vps this week and I know nothing about a vps. This is my first vps. I already have 3 resellers to handle 3 different kinds of my clients hosting needs and basically going to use the vps as a reseller in my business for my clients only, no public hosting. I don't have WHMS as I don't need it and has cPanel.

Any tips from you pros would be greatly appreciated. I want to learn as much as I can about it as time permits for me. My vps host support has been awesome and answered any questions I had about it.

Right off the top of my head, not in real good shape tonight, I think these are some of the stats.
4gb of memory
50 gb ssd raid
1 TB of Bandwidth

Thanks in advance.
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I do not see what we can help you with.

Choice of OS? CentOS is the easiest
Choice of control panel? DirectAdmin, Virtualmin, WHM, any other of your choice
Backups? regular, weekly are must, daily are preferred
Be sure to have HDD backup disk as a mirror to store all data from your SSD
As for bandwidth... 1 TB monthly? You should be fine
4 GB RAM seems too low, but it depends on the specs of these packages.

I am sure people here will do their best to help you if you'd be so kind to explain what help you do need.
Thanks for your response. it has WHM and CentOS. I have a girl in my office that does nothing but backups so we're always good to go with that.

It may have more than 4gb of ram, I've not had the time to look at the package again but I will eventually.

We're going to use it for anything antique businesses we handle. antique stores, antique malls, antique dealers and a couple of I suppose you would call high class flea markets.

We've put 30 sites on it last night and today and have had no problems. The sites are up and loading fast. None of our clients get zillions of hits a day on their sites so this is not going to be a tug of war with them.

Happy Independence Day
That's it 30 site running fast good, now just reboot once a week at off hours, automate backup, get another vps for the next 30 sites as the current sites will add data to the container and use more resources as time goes by. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the replies. My vps is rocking so I have a couple of questions.

I need some advice on monitoring the vps, any suggestions?

And, why would I have to reboot the vps every every week?
I'd say having to reboot it once a week only - it's a blessing. Backups should be daily if possible.

As for monitoring - use the tools your hosting company provides - you should have smthng like control&management panel in your account.
Don't sacrifice security and quality. It is not ideal to jump into affordable web hosts in which in the long run can lead to many problems such as web site accessibility and, worst, shutting down of web site.
If you are a newbie with VPS Management I would suggest you to buy a "test" vps with 128-256MB RAM and work with it.

Install OS, Reinstall modules, security changes, LAMP installation.
Once you are ready move on a bigger VPS.
Normally VPS is for advanced users.

If you are not super advanced than add CPanel and learn that! Without it there is just too much to learn without a ton of free time.
Normally VPS is for advanced users.

If you are not super advanced than add CPanel and learn that! Without it there is just too much to learn without a ton of free time.

This is the best advice I've seen for a newbie. Start slow and learn the in's and outs of VPS before you jump in to deep.
This is the best advice I've seen for a newbie. Start slow and learn the in's and outs of VPS before you jump in to deep.

Well you might be right if you mean Unmanaged VPS but I would say with a Managed VPS you will start with a VPS as good as a shared hosting with Cpanel etc etc The difference is you will have a lot of room to learn and do things with your server than you would with a shared plan.
Well you might be right if you mean Unmanaged VPS but I would say with a Managed VPS you will start with a VPS as good as a shared hosting with Cpanel etc etc The difference is you will have a lot of room to learn and do things with your server than you would with a shared plan.
I agree their no differences between resellers and a fully managed VPS apart from if your on a resellers plan you can't offer resellers, apart from that their pretty much the same and one other thing your resources are your's to do what you please with on a VPS. I personally won't use resellers I don't like the idea that someone is snooping and knowing everything am doing.
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