\*NEW*/ RevoBill - Total Billing & Support System - PHP Programmer needed


New member
Good Morning
I am Jonathan Fielding, i am owner or RevoShift.com, RevoSoftware.com and the currently offline RevoDirect.net.
RevoSoftware has been developing for the past year a complete billing system which unlike systems like ModernBill offers a client side piece of software for easy management of data. Also is offers a piece of software which can be distributed to clients which they can use for easy support. (It has a built in IM system and ticket system)
We have developed 90% of the client side software which is compatible with Macintosh, Windows and Linux but we still need to hire a developer of the server side billing system implimentation.
We are offering the PHP Programmer 35% of income made by selling this system, this is to help ensure the developer is going to do their best to make the system the best on the market.
We want to offer the best system we can to our clients.
