New ICANN policy is in effect beginning on 12 November 2004


New member
On 12 July 2004, ICANN announced ( the adoption of the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy comprised of finalized policy documents, available below. The policy is in effect beginning on 12 November 2004. The original policy recommendations require a review of the policy at intervals of three, six, and twelve months after implementation. This area will be updated as necessary with requests for public input into the review process and any revised implementation details.

Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy

The Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy has been adopted by all ICANN-accredited registrars. All requests to transfer a domain name to a new registrar must be handled according to the procedures detailed in this policy, incorporating the Standardized Forms below. Dispute proceedings arising from a registrar’s alleged failure to abide by this policy may be initiated by any ICANN-accredited registrar under the Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy.

1. Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (12 July 2004)

2. The Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy (12 July 2004)

3. Standardized Form for Gaining Registrars (12 July 2004)

4. Standardized Form for Losing Registrars (12 July 2004)
I have already locked all my domains to make sure they can't be tranferred without my express permission :)