New Background for videos (new desk/office area)


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It's been an interesting year with the various lockdowns and changes to how we operate as a business. Zoom has become quite the normal thing for many people. Thankfully, we were ahead of the curve on that as we had used Zoom for years to talk with, see, and share screens to clients throughout the US.

If you've followed me for a while, you likely know that I make various videos on Web Design and SEO (I've stayed away from Web Hosting videos for years, but maybe that'll change). And we had a Facebook Live that ran every Friday for over 2 years, which was usually about 30-45 minutes long.

Well, since we've been working more from home than at our actual office, we decided to take our living room, located upstairs, and move the TV and couches downstairs to where the fireplace is (and was our Facebook Live "studio").

Our office has been in the dining area (10'x12') as we never use that table, so we replaced it with our work desks.

The upstairs living room is approx 15' x 23' - nice big area, and that's now become our "new office area".

Both of our new desks are sit/stand electric motor desks. This is helpful both to avoid sitting all day, but also in videos. Standup videos or meetings are generally shorter. Try having a standing meeting with a client (even on phone) and you'll find the meeting moves much quicker).

So, without further ado, check out the attachment of "my desk area". When I get the video lighting etc setup, I'll snag another picture, but for now, welcome to the new backdrop of my videos moving forward :)

PS - yes, the desk is turned around. My monitor attaches to the desk and the desk top area is 6" thick, so the clamps from the monitor can't fit - most monitors are 3-4" clamps. So we flipped the desk around and attach where the keyboard drawer is. Writing/Desk pad will cover the "hole" where my hands are --- that's actually a power strip area.
I love those standing desks that you can move up or down. Have been thinking about getting one of them once I move.

The new setup looks nice and CEO-ish.

When is the next video so I can check what it looks like on cam?
I had a standing desk for about a year and after a few months left it in the down position. Your downstairs was already pretty darn nice from what I remember. Love the setup as you've described it. PS: Make a Backup.
My feet used to get sore from standing, and it came down to poor-quality shoes (and weight of course). I solved the shoe problem. I am still working on weight :)

Downstairs was a nice "fireside chat" environment and worked well for myself and Kim in the style of videos we presented (a weekly chat). We're moving out of the "chat" and into more of a "check this out" or "have you tried this" style. A more focused video in the 10-15 minute range, and a little more topic-focused.

Any reason you don't like the standup desk Steve?

And yes, always, Make A Backup!
(actually lost a 4TB drive this week with hundreds of hours of raw video - only some had a secondary backup :( )
The standup desk just didn't feel natural or right for me. I did give it a fair try though.
I think the only issue I've had it with it so far is the stability when it's fully extended. When I raise up to the standing height for where I want to record videos the desk is at a 40" extension (making the top of the desk 46". The problem however is that it shakes more than I'd like it to. A big problem when writing or typing :(

The secondary height that I programmed was at 35.7" (41.7" desk height) which is comfortable for typing, but again, the moment that extension kicks in it leaves room for shaking.

Sitting height is at 26.4", less shaking, but still potential of monitor shaking when typing.

Not sure yet how to resolve that.