Network Solutions Sold - $100 Million

What a bargain! Something is not clean there. VeriSign bought them out for $19.6 billion and selling for $100 million. That is condidering their market share dropped from 62 to 28 percent!

In fact, the deal is so spooky, it is now attracting the SEC that will look into it.

In the meantime, Network Solutions has messed up big. Again. Optima Technology Corporation recently filed a complaint with the Department of Justice with regards to Network Solutions, alleging that Network Solutions gave away its domain name without its permission.

That they do. :crazy2:
Net sol isnt such a big loss to verisign - Verisign have retained registry status, and netsol (after they were done with it), didnt have *too* high a Public profile (was popular in B2B mind), as its lost out to the likes of enom, dotster, dodora (register fly).etc

I've no doubt Verisign will start up a new domain sale service under a more branded name.
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heh dont expect changes to happen overnight, the site design is most probably at the bottom of their priorities as they get the billing in order and move the system / customers from verisign's servers to theirs - the free transfer is a marketting ploy to drum up new business as they have been loosing out for a while now to enom and tucows, and I doubt it would be dropped just because the management has changed.