Need hosting... 500mb, 50gb...

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New member
Hello, everybody!
We are a students' organization from Serbia, interested in some good hosting plan, but we are confused...
So, we already have domain name,, about exams, project, etc... As a software for our online discussions we use
phpBB2, we have around 2300 users and more than 60.000 posts. (db: 150MB) Our monthly
bandwidth is around 35GB.. for now :)

Since we had some bad experience with previous ISP (it was sponsored
hosting), and since they kept complaining to us for using phpBB forum we are
forced to find new solution and hopefully permanent.
This time we are ready to pay, for more secure service, but we would like to
discuss with you, in advance, if there would be any problems concerning this
sotware usage, server uptime, or anything else...

So, we needed:
minimum 500MB space, 50GB bandwidth. php4, mysql (phpmyadmin),
99,9 % uptime, emails, etc...
Payment with PayPal, Money back garantue...

Please, make an offer :)

Best regards,
fonforum Team

We can offer you 500MB of storage with 50GB of monthly transfer.
cPanel with all the features you requested (PHP4, E-mails, MySQL, etc...)
A 14 day money back guarantee, and no setup fee.
$14.95/month paid through PayPal subscription.

If you desire, we could double the storage to 1GB (1,024MB) for just $3 more per month.

We have been in business for 3 years, we do NOT oversell our servers, and daily backups are sent offsite.

If you are interested in this custom quote contact me personally via PM, E-mail, or chat.

Thank you and have a good day!
fonforum said:
we found solution, other webhosting that fits for us...
Sorry for your bothering...
No bother.
Thanks for notifying and good luck with the new host! Hope you come back to share your experience in the "Web Hosting Reviews" forum. :thumbsup:
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