need help accepting credit cards


New member
I run a hosting company and i want to accept credit cards on my website. I am looking for something like paypal that does not have a setup or monthly fee. If anyone knows of any way to accept credit cards online and pay only % on each transaction please let me know.
Most if not all credit card processors are going to have a transaction fee as well as the %fee.
Paypal allows direct credit card payments now and you could also look into Paysystems or 2checkout. Both are good services and inexpensive to sign up.
We have been with 2checkout since we started in the hosting game (almost 2 years) and for the relativley small fee they charge, their service is very good!

You can get a merchant account and get a billing system like modernbill. Then all credit card processing will be done in house and you will have full control of over it.

I highly recommend this way if you are serious about it.

I have been using also for a while and they're merchant account is great. I've heard good things about PaySystems also.

Just a fair warning with they recently revamped everything and the accounts are setup much differently now. Make sure to read up on it before signing up. I know that with the Billing System I use .. WHM AutoPilot, the newer web hosting company's signing up with 2Checkout are having issues with the payment gateways compatability.

I have been leaning twoard 2checkout but I am still not sure as yet as most of the sites I shop on prefer paypal :/.
I would use paypal and depending on the billing/account management software you are going to use, wither paysystems or 2checkout. Watch out for 2CO w/ WHMAP.