Need end user support

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New member
I am looking for cpanel reseller hosting that offers end user support. I did a google a search that didn't turn up much.
Is this something you are looking for? They also provide CPanel hosting reselling.

Another company you can look into is , however I believe they do NOT offer CPanel hosting - they have their own proprietary software.

To other web hosting companies: If you want to post your offer, please make sure that you DO provide back-support as per user's request.
There are lots of hosts that offer this. Some charge a fee, some don't. However some of them don't advertise this, as it adds to the workload of support reps. Your best bet is probably to contact a host you're interested in to see whether or not they offer this.
There are lots of hosts that offer this. Some charge a fee, some don't. However some of them don't advertise this, as it adds to the workload of support reps. Your best bet is probably to contact a host you're interested in to see whether or not they offer this.

Lots of hosts offer this? I've found maybe 5 or 6 in my search. The ones that don't advertise it could be losing business from people who are specifically looking for end user support.
Lots of hosts offer this? I've found maybe 5 or 6 in my search. The ones that don't advertise it could be losing business from people who are specifically looking for end user support.
Some choose not to advertise it because it adds to the workload of support requests, and they need to make sure their paying clients get helped out in a timely manner as well.
All most many companies provide end user support but limited to smaller tasks if you want to move your sites and other things you have to hire some one to do it
Hi chelsea,

You ask for a host that offers "end user support" - and then in a later post you state that "looking for end user support, its not the same as the support resellers offer to their customers". To me, that seems confusing...but I'm only on my first cup of coffee.

Are you looking for a reseller host that will support your hosting clients as part of their service to you? Or do you mean something else? I provide "backup" or "vacation" support for my reseller clients' clients on a case-by-case basis, but regular day-to-day support is an additional fee and my clients have to provide clear guidelines about what support tickets they want to handle (anything to do with billing is handled by the reseller, for example) and they have to provide any software they care to use (forums, helpdesk). I do teach them quite a bit, and offer assistance and advice; but if they're going to be in business and get recurring income, they have to do more work than setting up and maintaining a web site. Support for my clients' clients isn't free, or even a regular bundled part of the service. It's an add-on, so that those who intend to outsource their support anyway have the option to pay us instead and get a quicker turnaround on server- or environment-specific questions (like what modules are installed, can I have X installed on the server, how is Y configured, are Z program libraries available, et cetera).
Let me just Step in here and say that is a well known end user provider which should suite your requirements Just fine.

Bear in mind that the End User Support is only given for Advanced client(s).
"End user support" does indeed refer to support by the host for a reseller's end customers. In other words:

Company A is the host.
Company B is the reseller.
User C is the end user.

In end user support, Company A provides support not only to Company B, but also to User C, usually through "white label" arrangements where it appears to User C that the support is actually coming from Company B, the reseller.

It's a smart arrangement; provided that the support level is good, it is a real selling tool for Company A, who is selling to resellers.
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