Need advice on hosting Mutiple web Sites from home PC


New member
I want to host multiple web sites from my home computer, i currently have one working web site that is running on my home computer which is linked to my broad band static IP address,
I have spoken to friends and coleagues who say that i can host multiple sites by linking the new sites to my current main web site.
But I am not sure on doing this as i want each site to have an independent website address.
If you are using Apache, you will want to edit the Virtual Hosts. There is a sample to help you out. And I'm curious. Does this comply with your ISP's Terms of Service. Many of the larger ISP's have been known to run port scans and terminate the service of anybody running servers on their connection. Just something to think about. And I also wouldn't host any websites that you need to be up 24/7, because the power WILL go out, your ISP WILL go down. There are a lot of things to think about before heading this direction. There was a nice article in Ping Zine! recently about this topic. And I can't forget to welcome you to HD! :dance:
Nice and easy setup is:
Its reasonably secure and will get you up and going pretty easy. You just need to make sure that udp/tcp 8 is open on your firewall and then you're off.
I'll post a little tutorial on how to do it properly, sometime today when I get a chance.
Oh yeah & of course... *drum roll* WELCOME TO HD!
(P.S sorry about dual post, I cant seem to click the Edit button...damn IE)
As Jordan pointed out double check with your ISP about the whole "Can I host a server on my connection?" topic - they'll be able to tell you right away yes or no.

Also, of note, Jordan - even if the power went out I'd have Internet for a little over an hour. Got a big 'ol UPS with the Modem, WAP, DC, my PC, a desk lamp, and the switch all plugged into it. I've timed it before and got just about an hour (that was when the DC had a bigger PSU, and a couple more HDs) of time before it cut out. I had my internet, a light, and the laptop was able to run until it ran outta juice. :)
UPS' are designed for personal computers, not mission critical servers. Most modern datacenters are built to be self powered for an infinite amount of time with fuel refills. I don't want to get too off topic with this thread, because the OP just asked how to configure name based hosting, but if he would like to know about the ups and downs about running a server from home, I would be glad to go on.
You got me there Jordan - I don't personally recommend running any sort of web server from the home just 'cause it attracts the wrong kind of traffic and steals bandwidth away from gaming :)

Next question would be what OS are you running on? I'm personally assuming this is windows with IIS?
Thats was what I was thinking too. And just to throw this out there, you cannot host multiple domains with the IIS provided by Windows XP or 2000. You would have to dowload the Apache for Windows. Of course there are other programs, but I like Apache, its the most common and its pretty easy to use.
Look basically, if your host is happy with you running a server off your DSL line, then go for it. You *could* use IIS, but its one of M$'s products that never really took off and I dont recommend it.
Apache does the job alot better, but for MySQL and PHP intergration it needs a little bit of technical know-how. I personally would recommend that you go out and find yourself an old p2 or p3 and stick FreeBSD on it. Apache and stuff should come pre compiled like it does on RH9 and if not, it should be easy to set it up.

On the setup you said you are going to be using, I'd definitely go for the simpler installation of a straightforward WampServer setup. You cant go wrong. Its a couple of clicks and *BANG* you are in. Localhost and away you go.

The most important thing, is that you clear up with your ISP before you set it up, or they will block your incoming port 80 on your line, which wont be SOO great :)

Exon said:
You got me there Jordan - I don't personally recommend running any sort of web server from the home just 'cause it attracts the wrong kind of traffic and steals bandwidth away from gaming :)

Next question would be what OS are you running on? I'm personally assuming this is windows with IIS?

Very true. I personally would recommend buying a hosting package from a hosting company. But i will try to do my best for your question...

Instead of doing all that IIS Stuff.. You could download foxserv... its great for the beginner and has everything that you will need!