My Review of


New member
I had to search for a dedicated hosting solution, after my websites got too popular. i had to switch from hostgator´s shared hosting plan, after i got banned due to ram-overusage.

So i first moved to a VPS, i was surprised by a good offer that i found at ($35/m for 1,5gb ram, 20gb space, 100gb traffic). but it was too good to be true, the server had a lot of problems and my sites were slow, althought they did not completely used the available ram.

After a few months, i decided to leave them and sign up with a dedicated server provider. but it was very hard to find any affordable. most very too expensive or had not good server-spec´s.

Finally i was thinking about going back to Hostgator and take their dedicated hosting plan. but $219.00 for a dual-core cpu with only one gb ram seemed to be very expensive, so searched on.

At a hosting forum, i got to know about a server/co-location company called it was run and owned by the forum-member joe itself. when i saw, some threads and reviews about them, ithought, that this might be a very promissing offer. i contacted joe, we talked a little bit and he made me a custom offer. first i was scared about scam, but then i read all the other positive reviews about joe and decied to give it a try.

i signed up for a "amd phenom 9650 quad core", 4gb ram, 500gb hd, 1,500gb transer and five included ip´s.

the control panel is from directadmin. first i was a little bit shocked, as i was used to cpanel, but it is almost the same. i was a little confused about the admin/reseller/user function, but then found it out. the good thing is, that it does not use that much server resouces.

so that´s my review. so far i am hosting with them for three weeks, and i am very happy. no downtimes (as i noticed), the speed is okay (got 350kb down-speed when downloading a file, my maximum is 400kb). will stay with them, when they stay that good.

Name of the used hosting company(ies):
JoesDataCenter (, (, Hostgator (

Description of service(s) used:
AMD Phenom 9650 Quad Core (Joesdatacenter), Custom VPS Package (, Baby-Plan (Hostgator)

How long have you been using the service(s):
3 weeks, 4 days

price - never found a that cheap dual-core server with at least 4gb ram. a free control panel is included.

stability - not experienced any (visable) downltime so far. the server is as powerful as described.

support - its awesome. althought i did not had any issues to bother the support, you can even contact joe through msn and have a chat.

website - their website seems a little bit outdated and confusing.

Would you recommend this company to your best friend?
Yes, I would and i already have

Kind Regards,