More troubles for Microsoft!


Well-known member

AOL TimeWarner (owner Netscape) is sueing microsoft again... Will it ever end :)

What is your oppinion of all this?
See, thanks to microsoft the entier bizz grew, and now they should be punished for it?

What do YOU think?
Microsoft just got lucky...if Apple Never Gave Them The 3 Prototype Macintosh 128k'2 they never would have developed windows in time..I hope someone wins in these court cases...i dont know about you guys...but I dont want to live in a PC/Microsoft world forever....other people and technologies need to have a chance to make it!:(

oh by the way hi everyone! :wave:
Hi onthecatwalk,

Same goes here...
Apple will always be my first choice...
Hope one day Microsoft
I don't think you guys quite understand. Apple is partially owned by microsoft. They are pretty much one company. Apple was established by Bill gates
That is so not true,

Apple was founded in the 70's..long before Microsoft was even conducting business....Microsoft ownes stock, thats it, they are working together now, but Microsoft in no way controls apple.

Gates was forced to buy the stock, if he didn't help support apple when they needed it he would then have truley been a monopoly, thats why he did that, so Apple wouldn't sue him for that anymore.

But get this right...they ARE NOT one company and HE DOES NOT own them, and the most important thing here


Alright Nate I will though watch the last 2 minutes and read what happened

****Nate don't respond to your self just edit your post also chill out sir it's nothing to go crazy about.
it says...Bill Gates now owns part off Apple...but what they didn't tell you is the details...I remeber it rather well....I agree that they own part of apple (in stocks) but Bill Gates doesent have enough stock to be 50% owner....he gave them money to stay alive when they needed help, and he gave it, and they gave him stock in between it, Steve Jobs felt it was the only way, and they wanted to end this whole thing between them....they developed the PowerPC chip between them (Apple, Motorola, Microsoft, IBM)...a chip that would work in a Mac and a PC but it never happened because on Intel and a few other companys..they are now (for once) working together and bridging the gap between Macs and PC's...but Bill Gates doen;t own enough of the company to do much of anything...but in the agreement he has to make all of his software 100% Macintosh comaptable and not have anything that can;t run on both OS's without virtual PC.

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