Minimalism in Web Design: Still Relevant in 2024?


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Is minimalism still a popular approach in web design, or are trends changing?
I'm curious to know how designers are adapting minimalist principles in modern projects.
It is still holding true in my opinion. The generation that likes minimalism is still a big part of the active web. What drives it in part is Google's pressure on webmasters and designers to prioritize user experience.

When you look at what guys are doing on places like Figma however you will see some crazy stuff, so I feel like creatives especially the younger ones do want to break out of minimalism. It will be up to them however to do it in such a way that consumers like it, and if consumers like it, Google will change their tone about it.

The other major consideration is technology. Phones were a lot slower and had less RAM, CPU, the internet was slower and so demanding designs would bog phones down, this is also a part of my minimalism so popular, however, phones now have more RAM, CPU, faster connections and so they can handle things that would usually make the website laggy and slow...

IF I had to take a guess I feel like animation and bold colors are going to be the next thing. Remember trends run in cycles.

I do believe it will change happen I think it is still a few years away and it will be gradual but nothing stays the same forever.
Minimalism remains a strong favorite in web design, as its clean aesthetics and user-friendly layout resonate well with audiences. but, designers are now blending minimalist principles with vibrant colors and engaging animations to create more dynamic experiences. It’s all about striking that perfect balance between simplicity and visual interest.
It is still holding true in my opinion. The generation that likes minimalism is still a big part of the active web. What drives it in part is Google's pressure on webmasters and designers to prioritize user experience.

When you look at what guys are doing on places like Figma however you will see some crazy stuff, so I feel like creatives especially the younger ones do want to break out of minimalism. It will be up to them however to do it in such a way that consumers like it, and if consumers like it, Google will change their tone about it.

The other major consideration is technology. Phones were a lot slower and had less RAM, CPU, the internet was slower and so demanding designs would bog phones down, this is also a part of my minimalism so popular, however, phones now have more RAM, CPU, faster connections and so they can handle things that would usually make the website laggy and slow...

IF I had to take a guess I feel like animation and bold colors are going to be the next thing. Remember trends run in cycles.

I do believe it will change happen I think it is still a few years away and it will be gradual but nothing stays the same forever.
Great point, PeterShene! I agree; trends do tend to come full circle. It'll be interesting to see how trends shift as the demand for fresh, dynamic visuals grows.
Minimalism remains a strong favorite in web design, as its clean aesthetics and user-friendly layout resonate well with audiences. but, designers are now blending minimalist principles with vibrant colors and engaging animations to create more dynamic experiences. It’s all about striking that perfect balance between simplicity and visual interest.
Absolutely,! Minimalism is definitely still popular, but I love seeing how designers are mixing it with bold colors and animations.